How to Use Webinars as a Launch Strategy

Unless you’re brand spankin’ new here then you know that webinars are kind of our jam. If you are new, then welcome, we’re happy you’re here! Ever since starting our business we’ve hosted well over 50 webinars (!!!) and love using them to educate, create hype, and grow our list - oh, and sell things.

At first glance, it may seem like it wouldn’t make sense to offer webinars in your business. So we wanted to chime in with a few ideas as well as let you in on how we use them, and how you can use them to launch your next thing.

Ideas for your next (or first) webinar

If you’re not a B2B business it may seem like webinars don’t make sense for your audience. So first, let’s establish the goal of webinars. For us (and for a lot of others) webinars exist to engage and add value. It’s a great platform to get personal with your audience (they can see your face!) and for you to give, give, give. No matter your industry there is value to add and questions to answer and a webinar just might be the best place for you to do that.

Here is a quick brainstorm of ideas for your next (or first) webinar:

  • Share your journey: People love to see how you got to where you are even if you aren’t teaching the journey. This gives them intimate details about where you came from or how your business came to be.

  • Talk about your mission: Maybe your business donates to charities? Maybe you employ inner-city youth? Maybe you’re funding a school to be built in another country? If people can know where a portion of their money goes to they might rally behind you harder.

  • Educate: This is the most obvious and it’s how we use webinars for our own audience. But consider educating your audience on the steps they need to achieve before they buy what you offer. Maybe you’re step 7, but they need to master step 1-6 before they invest in you. How can you teach that? Maybe there’s a piece of your business that people just want to know more about. For instance, you might sell jewelry made with crystals. What about hosting a webinar that educates your audience on the benefits of crystals on health? Once they see the power of what they can do they might be more inclined to press buy.

  • Have a party: We’ve done this a couple times and while it’s a lot of work, it’s also a lot of fun. We hosted a massive giveaway party for our website launch and decide to give items away, live on air. So people who were hanging out with us on the webinar had a chance to win a ton of goodies. We just chatted with them, told them about the latest launch, and gave away some stuff!

  • Do an interview: Live webinars are one of the coolest ways to do live interviews. Maybe there is someone your audience loves or looks up to that’s tied to what you do in some way. Consider having them on as you interview them and your audience can ask questions.

  • Host a live Q & A: This is another “new website launch” tactic we’ve done. We wanted to explain to people where the business was headed and also answer any questions they had for us about business or strategy. Although we haven’t hosted a Q & A-only webinar we do add 30 minutes of Q & A time at the end of every webinar.

Use them to launch

Okay, now that you have a few ideas up your sleeve how do you actually work in a webinar as part of your launch plan? Luckily, there’s no one way to make this happen so here are a few scenarios:

  • Host a webinar prior to opening your cart to build excitement and interest. Pick a topic that’s related to what you’re launching and focus on building your list and providing value.

  • Host a webinar as the first launch day of what you’re offering. This is the way we use webinars the most. We tease the webinar to our audience and focus on providing value for the first 45 minutes, and then we go into the pitch for whatever it is that we’re offering (usually a program) that’s related to the topic we just covered.

  • Host a webinar in the middle of your launch. There’s no one saying you can’t throw more than one webinar party! Try a webinar in the middle of the launch to continue growing your list and add value for your people. You might get people attending the second webinar who have already bought, and that’s okay.

The key here is that webinars are great list builders. The more you host and provide value, the more people will pay attention and therefore the more people you’ll have sign up. Don’t be afraid to sell in your webinars. The first one we ever hosted we sold a course we hadn’t even made yet at the end and it went amazingly. There are people out there ready to buy what you’re selling, so don’t hide!

If you have questions about which platform to use to host your next (or first) webinar then be sure to check out this post. If you want some help generating buzz and launching your next thing then be sure to snag your copy of our free ebook!


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