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Learn, Marketing Guest User Learn, Marketing Guest User

What is an Evergreen Launch + Is It Right for You?

There are numerous ways in the book for how you can structure the launch of your offer, and chances are we’ve tried them all. Part of being a business owner is putting yourself out there and trying new things. Half the time, we’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing if it sticks.

One particular method of launching has been gaining more traction over the years, especially now as more and more people are coming into the online business space (at least one good thing we got out of the pandemic), and that’s the evergreen method of launching.

In this blog post, we’ll be breaking down what an evergreen launch is, different styles of launching evergreen, and how to decide if it’s right for you!

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Grow, Marketing Guest User Grow, Marketing Guest User

How to Confidently Relaunch Your Offer

We know how much goes into creating an offer, wrapping it up, and getting it ready to officially present to the world, so we’re proud of you for pulling through. Now that you’ve had it out there for a while and have been nurturing your audience, you’re probably coming up on the need to relaunch it.

If you’re like, “Hold the phone! ‘Relaunch?’” Yes! What, you thought you could just launch your product once and that’s it? Unfortunately, as heavenly as that sounds, that’s not a very effective way to keep making money. No need to worry, though, because we just so happen to have relaunched probably more times than we’ve ordered from Starbucks (and that’s saying a lot).

With that said, we want to show you how to confidently relaunch so you can keep improving your offer and converting prospects into buyers!

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Dubsado, Systems & Automation Guest User Dubsado, Systems & Automation Guest User

5 Steps to Use Dubsado to Launch a New Business or Service

So, you’re either about to launch your business or add a new service, but you want to know if the logistics of that are possible using just Dubsado? We’re here to tell you that the answer is yes!

Dubsado is a CRM that has many robust features that can be turned into whatever you need them to be to help you launch, meaning you don’t even need a website nor sales page to make it happen. For example, lead capture forms can be turned into waitlists, proposals can act as a landing page, workflows can allow you to send automated emails, and more.

We know you’re wondering But how?, so that’s what we’re going to dive into today!

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Grow, Project Management Guest User Grow, Project Management Guest User

Launch Simply in 2021

If there’s anyone that knows a thing or two about launching, it’s us. In the past 5 years we’ve been in business, we’ve launched more times than we can count with a multitude of different products and services as our business transitioned and grew.

During the different seasons of our business, we’ve had big launches, small launches, and everything in between, so we’ve also picked up on how to do it without being so stressed. We think the number one important thing about launching is that it’s fun and simple. Otherwise, who the heck would ever want to launch anything?

So, today, we’re going to share with you a little about our plan for launching simply, and show you our little secret for making launching even easier.

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Grow, Leadership Guest User Grow, Leadership Guest User

24 Ridiculously Useful Tips Every Small Business Needs to Generate Buzz and Plan Your Next Launch

Whether your new website is about to be revealed, you’re about to open up 1:1 coaching slots or a brand new product is about to hit your (digital) shelves it’s important to generate a buzz around it and create a launch plan. We know it’s hard to know where to begin. So we have come up with 15 organic ways to generate buzz and 9 steps to build your launch plan. Take it one step at a time and you are bound to see results. It's just that easy.  |  Think Creative Collective

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Grow, Project Management Guest User Grow, Project Management Guest User

How to Know You're Ready to Launch Your Next Big Thing

If you're the kind that has lots of 'almost-ready-but-not-quite' products on your launching back burner, this get shit done post is for you. Here's what we know for sure: launched is better than perfect, and there are people out there who need what you have to offer. Here's how to know if it's time to get it off the shelf and into the hands of your dream customers. 

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Optimize, Project Management Guest User Optimize, Project Management Guest User

How to Organize Your Launching Strategy with Trello

Raise your hand if launching gives you the heebie jeebies. I get it, boss. There are a million and one moving pieces and it’s hard enough for you to remember all the steps - let alone have some sort of organization that helps you keep it all together. Here's our secret formula for using Trello to go from Idea to 10K launch in just 30 days. 

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Optimize, Marketing Guest User Optimize, Marketing Guest User

4 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates in Your Next Launch

Launching can be very stressful. You know it and I know it (and I actually loooooove launching). You may have learned the secrets to writing a great sales page or even emails that can help you persuade like a boss, but what I don’t often see is people crafting a holistic launch plan.

A good launch is done from “open cart” to “close cart” alone, but a great launch is started weeks or months before you even give people the chance to buy. The best part is that if you take the time to be intentional before your launch, you take some stress out of the launch itself while also boosting your conversion rates. (Hallelujah!)

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Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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