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SEO Case Study: First Page Rankings in 2 Hours Flat
How I got ranked on the first page of Google within 2 hours of publishing my post! Learn to use Yoast to maximize your SEO; with just a few tweaks you too can rank highly!
How to Create Customized Quote Boxes in ConvertKit
We adore ConvertKit over here at ThinkCreativeCollective, but we always wish we could make it prettier! Our guest blogger for today, Jessica Stansbury, is giving us a quick tip to create customized quote boxes in your ConvertKit emails. Time to enjoy some prettyness in your inbox!
How to Get Traffic to Your Online Store (even with a Zero Dollar Budget)
You just launched your online store and you’re excited about all of the possibilities that having an online business brings, like more money and more freedom. You’ve worked hard to create a really great product and stock your store full of inventory that you know your customers will love. But when your website goes live, all you get is crickets. Here's how to get massive traffic to your online store (even without a marketing budget!).
4 Ways to Make Your Marriage Thrive as Entrepreneurs When Your Dreams don't Align
We all have different dreams and aspirations. Sometimes we are lucky enough to find someone with the same drive and passion we have to achieve those goals. Sometimes they are the complete opposite of us and our dreams but we share the same GRIT it takes to not just balance the pursuit of goal chasing, but see-saw through it. Throw in some guts and red lipstick and you have the perfect combination to not only have a successful business but a thriving marriage - one that Audrey Hepburn and John Wayne would be proud to star in!
Lazy Proof Your Day: How to Stay Productive While Working From Home
Getting to work from home and making your own rules (and breaking them too) is the dream, right? We’re our own bosses (usually for the first time) and the freedom tastes so good. Until you look up and realize you stopped for a “mind break” and ended up catching up on an entire season of Criminal Minds on Netflix. Here's how to lazy-proof your day, plus get 22 time-saving hacks!
How to Hack Later with Wunderlist (for the thrifty or non-Mac users)
Looking for a free or PC alternative to Later? Me too, sister! Follow this tutorial to get my exact process for a workaround using the awesome tool Wunderlist. Get your time back, no need to use a Mac. Hooray!
Getting the Most Out of Stock Photography with Strategic Cropping
Here’s the thing: as business owners we’re constantly on the look for photography that coordinates with our brand and sometimes those come at a hefty price tag, so you should really be making the most out of your images so that you can get more than one use from each stock photo. Get my best tips for strategic cropping to get every inch of goodness out of your stock photo.
How to Create Compelling Content for Any Industry
Coming up with an endless list of content is hard, and that's if you're in an exciting industry. If you're in a boring industry? As my mom would say, 'bless your heart!'. Here's how to come up with exciting content, no matter your industry. Bonus--get our download for 70+ boring-banishing headlines.
Rebranding Your Business: Everything You Need to Know
Rebranding is not for the faint of heart, so today our friends at Pretty Perfect Packages in Dallas, TX are sharing their best tips and experiences with rebranding. Figure out if a rebrand is right for you and what you need to to do make it a smooth success.
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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