How to Get Your Super Awesome Launch Cheerleaders and Ambassadors

It doesn’t matter what you’re launching (a course, a new coffee mug, or a brand new service), it helps if you can get the word out to everyone. The bottom line is: the more eyes in front of what you offer, the more sales you’re probably going to make (we’ll explain why we say “probably” below). So how do you do this? We like to use what we call “Launch Cheerleaders”.

If you’re new to launching, or reaching out to people asking them to cheerlead your launch for you, then read below for our best tips and tricks to find (and keep) launch cheerleaders for your brand.

So, first, what the heck is a launch cheerleader? 

A launch cheerleader is simply someone who helps promote your product or offer to their own audience. They might share the link to your newest product in the shop or encourage their following to register for your latest webinar. They might share on social or through their email (or if you’re lucky, they’ll do both).

Launch cheerleaders are not paid. Once a person starts to get paid to promote your offer they move from being a launch cheerleader to an affiliate. The way we “compensate” our own launch cheerleaders is to offer to return the favor and promote something of theirs. Consider launch cheerleading as good marketing karma!

How do you find launch cheerleaders?

First, look in your own inner circle. There’s bound to be someone you’ve met in a Facebook group or online in some capacity that you connected with. Heck, if you’re in our Facebook Group we provide a thread every few weeks for you to post the type of launch you have coming up so you can find cheerleaders to help you out.

Once you have a list in mind, you simply have to ask. Read the room and see how this initial contact should be done. Maybe it’s a Facebook message or a text, but more often than not it’s best to have this conversation over email. So craft one that short and sweet. Try something like this:

Hey friend!

It’s been great getting to know you through XXX. I think our audiences really mesh in that they both like XXX and XXX.

I’m wondering if at some point in the near future you’d be interested in coming on board as a launch cheerleader for BUSINESS NAME?

Basically, I’d provide you with information about an upcoming launch and you’d share it with your audience in an authentic way. I think it could be great if we both cheered each other on, so if there’s something coming up for you I’d love to hear all about it!

Let me know your thoughts - I’d love to add you to my list of Launch Cheerleaders. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Have a great week,
Abagail and Emylee

How can you make it even easy for them to say yes?

Well, first you need to ask and give them all the details. Once you’ve got a list of peeps you know will cheerlead for you then consider sending an email like this:

Hey friend!

We hope all is good in your corner of the world. We know it’s busy season for a lot of us so we’re sending you the vibes to get through it all.

We’re really excited about a launch that we’re gearing up for and we were wondering if you’d share this awesome freebie we’ve created. Like always, we’ve got some pretty graphics for you and some lingo to copy and paste so if anything you’re getting an easy social media post on us!

We’re starting our pre-launch for our newest program, XXX on XXX and to get people interested we are offering a FREE training called “XXX”.


You can find the training by heading to: LINK

We’ve attached a couple graphics below that you are welcome to share on all your social media channels! Here are some Tweetables and a script for your posting pleasure:



Pro tip: we use Click to Tweet to make it even easier.


We appreciate you so so much and hope that your schedule allows for this share (if not we totally understand, babe). Please let us know how we can support you!

Cheering you on,
Abagail and Emylee

Notice how we were straight to the point? We gave clear dates and directions and made it super easy for them to say yes. Most importantly we gave them the freedom to say “no”. We want to make it clear that we understand that promoting to their audience is a big deal, so if they can’t fit it in, we’re still friends.

Besides providing copy and giving clear link and dates, we also like to provide images. This really helps keep the sharing on brand with our own business and our cheerleaders freaking love it. Basically they get a free and beautiful social media post whenever they cheer us so it’s a win-win.

We take a few images that are branded to the offer we’re wanting to promote and simply attach them to the email.

The goal here is to make it as easy as possible for your cheerleaders. If they can just click, click, click and promote they’re going to be happy campers. If there are unanswered questions or anything is confusing, it’s too easy to let it slide.

What makes a bad launch cheerleader? 

Trust us, there are good and bad launch cheerleaders. It’s so easy to say “yes” to everyone that offers to cheerlead you. While we’re not saying you should tell them no, we are saying that you should make sure that you’re seeking out the right people.

So, make sure that your cheerleaders have similar audiences and similar goals to you. Ideally, your cheerleader is in a similar industry, but doesn’t offer the exact same thing as you do. When your focus is just on more and more cheerleaders instead of the right ones, you muddy up your list and audience and your conversions will lower. No bueno.

What else do you need to know?

This about covers all the launch cheerleading bases. It’s not over complicated, but it can be a bit scary the first few times. Don’t be discouraged if you end up asking 50 people to cheerlead, but only 10 do it. That’s totally normal and okay. People are busy and we should respect that. Don’t forget to cheerlead for your own cheerleaders as well. Keep the marketing karma flowing, babe!


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