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The Strategy Hour Podcast
with abagail pumphrey
Recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, join our twice-weekly show as we share business strategies, interviews, and actionable advice for building an online business your way.
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Our Episodes
Uncovering Your Relationship with Money and Identifying what Financial Freedom Looks Like
We've been hearing the term 'financial freedom’ a lot within our community within the past year. But what does that mean and how do we achieve it? Too many people are looking at financial freedom in the wrong way; it’s not something that you suddenly wake up with one morning, there are various milestones along the journey. In today’s episode we’re going to break down what these milestones could look like for you, and what you should avoid while seeking financial freedom.
Boss Project is here to serve you, and a major part of our personal mission is to help you achieve financial freedom so that you can reach your big goals and thrive! We’re not here just to teach you how to make more money, we want to give you the financial education necessary to build the life you truly want!
Where Boss Project is Headed in 2022
The new year is fast approaching, and with it comes excitement, planning, and a whole of strategizing! We want to take all the things that worked so well in 2021, and carry it over into 2022. One of the biggest changes we’ve experienced in the last 12 months, is taking on a host of new full-time employees and growing our team! Soon, our full-time employees will even outnumber our regular contractors! It’s been really exciting expanding our business family, and we’ve learned a lot in the process.
To prepare for 2022 we’ve brain dumped all our anxieties and aspirations for the coming year onto paper, and blocked out our calendar accordingly. This is the biggest team we’ve ever worked with and we’re excited to take a far more structured approach to scheduling time-off, holidays, and blackout days. We’re taking everything we’ve integrated into our lives about how we run our business and are passing it on to the team. To learn more about our trajectory for 2022 and how we’ll be growing our business, tune in today!
The Results After a Year of Rest - 2021 Recap
A year is a long time, and you forget some things that happened throughout the year. We consistently overestimate what we can accomplish in a short period of time, and dramatically underestimate what we can achieve in a long period of time. A lot can happen in a year! We’re taking a walk down memory lane to discuss the things that have happened throughout the year!
While we feel mostly like the same people, we’re coming from a different starting point at the end of 2021 than at the beginning. There’s some irony to the decisions we made this year. This year, we decided not to grow, but to maintain the business that we had. We needed a breather. Despite that being true, we grew topline revenue by nearly 20%. The lesson? We don’t give rest the credit it deserves! That period of rest was a lot more significant than we give it credit for and it prepared us for easily the busiest year we’ve ever had.
November 2021 Profit Report: Creating Real Sustainable Income and Dissecting Our New Growth Trajectory
Welcome back to another profit report! We’re going back in time to talk about November 2021. We’ve been doing these profit reports for over two years, and we can’t believe how time has flown by! For those who are new to the profit report, in these episodes, we offer a breakdown of our strategies and decisions, as well as insights into how money moves around within a company like ours. It allows you to gain an informed perspective on what it looks like to grow a company of our size, and hear insider conversations about things like healthy profit margins and expenses.
Today, we talk about our launch in October and how it has affected our November profits, including recurring revenue from people who made purchases in October. We unpack some of the exciting changes we’ve made, particularly when it comes to budgeting and reimagining how we’re going to continue to grow and scale. You’ll also hear about why a lot of this comes down to hiring and how we make decisions around that based on projections of client needs and outcomes. Tune in for a detailed breakdown of our profit report, insights into our goals for next year, and why we are so excited to grow!
Creating Benefits to Attract Top Talent
This week on the Strategy Hour podcast, we discuss how to create benefits that will attract top talent while also allowing your company to thrive. Running your business can often put you in situations where you have to compromise, but that doesn’t mean those compromises have to be permanent. Once you reach the point where you can take on new staff, you can begin to ask yourself what benefits you can offer versus what you want to offer. It won’t happen overnight, but setting out goals that build towards your vision for your company can be incredibly motivating!
Hiring new staff can come with a series of unanticipated costs outside of their salaries, like taxes and opening new 401K plans. While it may seem overwhelming at first, a little planning goes a long way. We’ve benefited greatly from having expert consultants advise us on how to take on new hires, from accountants to help us with cash flow, to HR’s advice on how to structure maternity leave and healthcare benefits. It’s been incredibly exciting entering this stage of our business, where we can grow our work community and set goals for how we can support our employees in every aspect of their lives! We fully believe that you are so much more than your job and your career, and we want to support all those elements from family, to friends, to health and alternative medicine.
The Shift that Doubled Our Business in 4 Months
We have to get creative about how we manage human resources within a completely digital team that is just growing and growing! It’s been the wildest 6 months. You will go through seasons of your business where you are very sure about what you want and what you don’t want, but remember that you have the right to change your mind. What we wanted two years ago is not at all what we want right now, but we’re not mad about it. When you change your mind about something, it’s probably because you have learned more, or have more confidence or more skills in that particular area, and that is nothing to feel bad about! This episode is all about the mindset shift which led us to change something in our business that caused an unprecedented level of growth!
The Importance of Quality Control and Playing to Your Strengths With Jared Pumphrey
This week, we have a very exciting episode with Emylee, Abagail, and Abagail’s partner, Jared Pumphrey, who joined the team earlier this year as Boss Project’s Marketing Manager! Join us as we dive into what Jared’s role entails, how it has impacted our business, and how he has no idea how we managed before we had someone dedicated to running the day-to-day operations. Tuning in, you’ll also find out how to set boundaries for a healthy marriage when going into business with your spouse, as well as what Jared and Abagail love about working together.
Jared unpacks the importance of having an internal system for quality control and why, if you're the last person who did something to a document, you can't verify that it's perfect. Later, we reflect on how a team can thrive when they are allowed to play to their strengths, what that entails, and how you can go about helping them operate in their zone of genius.
How Our Team Prepares for Holiday Time Off (Steal These Strategies)
In this episode we’re talking all things holiday and work and productivity and delegation and organizing and all of that good stuff! If you haven’t listened to any of our previous episodes about taking the full month of December off, we highly recommend that you go do that. But today’s episode is going to be a little bit different, because our business looks a little bit different now. We’re going through a different season in our business, so we aren’t taking the full month off like we have done in the past, we’re still going to make sure that we enjoy our holiday season!
Setting Boundaries and Growing Confidence with Megan Reed Part 2
Part 1 of our conversation with Megan involved a discussion around the difference between self-care and treating yourself (and what this means for you as a business owner) and how to really step into your identity as a person and figure out what fills you up. We ended the last episode by touching on the confidence realm; confidence allows us to do so many things in life and business.
Today, for part two of our conversation with Megan, we’re going to continue on this confidence theme and also get stuck into our very favorite ‘B’ word of all time; boundaries! Boundaries look different for everyone, and can be continuously redefined as you grow and change as a person. Nobody knows what’s going on in your head, and setting boundaries is a way of protecting your energy, your wellbeing, your personal safety, and so much more. Join us today as we spill all the beans on boundaries!
The Difference Between Health-Care and Self-Care as a Business Owner with Megan Reed Part 1
Our guest today, Megan Reed, is one of our new client success coaches inside the Incubator. She works alongside our clients to really uncover some of the mindset work that's necessary to take you to the next level. Her background in design makes her a really valuable player. Today we’re going to be talking about the beliefs that you have about yourselves, and some things you need to be working through.
We don’t often tackle the topic of mindset on this show, or with our clients, because that isn’t our field of expertise. So we decided to bring someone on who really knows what she’s talking about. The reason why we wanted to cover this topic is because of the responses that we received to a question we asked on our Incubator intake forms. “How do you like to treat yourselves?” was the question, and the answers basically ranged from, “I don’t know,” to “I don’t treat myself.”
October 2021 Profit Report: Increasing our MRR by 77% in Less than 7 Days
We’ve been working on something exciting for a really long time and today’s episode exists to introduce you to our newest offering, which includes taking on clients for our business incubator! Our business was working. We could have successfully continued with our existing plan. Instead, we made an intentional move, looked at what we wanted to do, saw that the mission was the same as when we started, and then asked ourselves how we could achieve even more of that!
If you can focus less on what you want and more on the problem you are actively solving for your audience, the doors will open. Your business should take care of you, NOT drain you! We want you to know that where we are today is the result of having a full staff of people, an audience in the millions, and six whole years of hard work, which is why we are sharing some insight into our hiring process, the art of simmering, our desire to take on clients again, and so much more in our October profit report for 2021! Join us today!
Exiting Corporate and Stepping Into Building YOUR Brand and Business with Shaunda Head of SHH Creative
In today’s episode, we gain a really interesting perspective on the topic of branding from Shaunda Head, an Atlanta-based brand strategist and digital marketer who helps women align ALL THE THINGS in their brand so that their brand message can impact more powerfully! We chat about Shaunda’s experience of building her expertise in corporate institutions and the challenges of the transition between that world and going out on her own. Shaunda also shares the process she went through to uncover who she really is, rather than who she was when she was working for someone else.
A lot of our clients are in the same position; you guys are highly skilled, you know your shit, and you can serve people in incredible ways, but figuring out how to do that outside of someone else’s umbrella can be what is holding you back. This episode will give you some amazing ideas on how to rebrand yourself so you can step into who you truly are, so make sure to join us today to learn more from the amazing Shaunda Head!
Getting Clear on the Service You Offer: Why Niching isn't Always the Answer
To niche or not to niche? That is the question. This week we’re diving into the hot topic of whether or not to niche, so get your pros and cons lists ready because we’re about to dive into all the details of this tricky decision! Whether you’re a service-based business owner or multi-passionate with a wide variety of offerings, this question can be very difficult to answer, especially since there are benefits and drawbacks to both choices.
Passive Income Doesn't Exist (Here's What to Do Instead)
We recently brought in an amazing cohort of clients inside of the incubator. Throughout that process we’ve read hundreds of applications, and there are two sentences that we found as a recurring theme and desire within these applications which we really want to respond to. We’ve got a lot to say on this topic, and we feel very passionately about it, so get ready for the rant! People have this elusive idea that they want to earn a passive income. In other words, they want to earn money in their sleep.
There is a version of this that does exist, and we’ll happily share that with you, but passive income isn’t what you think it is. If you believe that if you’re not chasing passive income then you’re doing business wrong, you need to listen to this. The way passive income is framed in the online industry is toxic, and can cause you to miss out on so many great opportunities. We know that passive income sounds like a perfect scenario, but today you’ll hear why it’s really not all that cracked up to be!
Unpopular Opinion: The Toxic Behavior That is Rampant Inside the Business "Education" Industry
There’s a massive problem that’s affecting our entire audience right now, and we have some seriously strong feelings about it, which you’re going to hear all about in today’s episode. Do you guys remember that show called Celebrity Deathmatch? That’s what we’re doing today, but we’ve got “serving” and “marketing” in the ring. We are furious on behalf of our clients because of how they have been manipulated into wasting so much of their time and money.
Today, we’re going on record to say that the business education industry is rampant with marketing pros trying to teach other people to be marketing minions instead of actually teaching foundational business concepts that don’t change. Marketing is in our blood, so we get the desire to do this, but marketing is not the key to success. Hear us out.

meet your host
I don’t believe there’s one right way to build a business.
I’m your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m dedicated to supporting online businesses.
I’m here to help you build business your way: one that supports not only the life you have but the life you want. I’m on a personal mission to help you become financially free.
I’m talking about all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business. I’m here to help you prioritize your life every step of the way, whether you’re creating your first digital product, growing an email list, or scaling an already profitable business.
I want to hear your hot takes, your biggest takeaways, or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.
My DMs are always open on Instagram, so head over and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!
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Digital Product Jumpstart
Build your list and grow your revenue at the same time!
I’ve kept these details to myself for far too long. I’m ready to spill everything and give you the exact steps that’ve helped me generate tens of thousands of qualified leads and MILLIONS in low-ticket digital product sales. I won’t just show you what I did, I’ll teach you how you can do it too.
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