How a $29 Digital Product Made $288,405

Episode 919: Show Notes

When I first launched my $29 digital product, I didn’t expect it to become one of my highest-earning digital offers. But here is how I made $288,405 dollars off of it and how you can do the same with your next entry point digital product. When I put this product out there, I had no expectations of how it would perform. I was just excited to make it and use it myself and then share it with the world. There was no reason why I decided it should be $29, it was just a number I was going to try and it has worked so well that I’ve never changed it! If you have ever felt that a low-priced product could never generate real income, I’m confident that this story is going to prove you wrong. Let’s dive in! 

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The Most Important Thing to Address When Creating a Digital Product

First of all, we have to talk about the problem that this product was solving. You need to completely address a problem for your ideal client that is valuable and of necessity. I want you to note that it needs to be one problem, not a whole load of them, just one! Timing is quite important as well and one of the reasons my product was so successful is because I was solving a problem that was popular for a broad audience. At the time that I launched this product, everyone was looking for ways to project manage better and there weren’t a lot of options that were affordable for small businesses. Trello was also the new kid on the block at the time and I decided to leverage the product for my digital offer by creating a system that helped people organize their ideas better on Trello! 

What Was Trello for Business? 

The digital product I created was simply guidelines for people who needed a better way to organize their ideas. It was for small business owners who were slowly migrating from writing their ideas down in random notebooks and on Post-it notes to a more digital approach. I’m sure every single one of the people who bought Trello for Business would’ve been able to figure my approach out themselves, but they didn’t have the time because they were busy running their business! They needed a system that was going to plug, play, and work for them! And that’s what Trello for Business was – a collection of templates that you could install into Trello. It allowed buyers to copy the content I had spent time developing and see how I organized my whole business. And the best part is that it was all so simple! 

Why Selling an Entry-Level Digital Product Should Be Easy

This was so incredibly simple! I just told people I was excited about this and that the system was working for me personally and people listened! They could feel my enthusiasm and hear the impact that it could have on their own business and it made them excited about giving it a try. You absolutely have to love what you’re putting out into the world because it’s your baby! Selling an entry-level digital product should be easy because you’re solving a problem that people are craving a solution for! One of the biggest secrets to all of this is taking advantage of someone who wants to use your product immediately, and the more people who benefit, the more people they will recommend it to! People loved Trello for Business! It was so impactful and helpful that so many people felt the need to share it. 

The Best Way to Market Your Product

Yes, it’s true that this product marketed itself for a long time. But I was also very intentional about it! Another one of the secret sauces to this success was that I didn’t stop talking about it for a long time, and I developed a program where I spoke about it regularly. I even created a YouTube channel with Trello-specific content with SEO-rich information. I also built a testimonial page to encourage people to buy the product. The page even featured my dog’s testimonial! Yes, you read correctly, my dog! I committed to creating content around this topic consistently, and that is why it has been so successful! I want you to pay attention to finding a problem or pain point for your audience, solve the problem quickly, make the price of the offer affordable, and keep showing up again and again! 

Consistency, As Always, is Key!

When I look back, I realize that this product worked because it gave people an immediate win at a price point that they didn’t need to think about. All of this is possible for you. You just need to package up your expertise in a way that’s quick, accessible, and easy to understand and implement! Your price should feel like a steal but shouldn’t be so low that it devalues your product. I believe in creating a simple and duplicatable marketing system that works for you. I simply want you to commit to showing up consistently because your long-term success with low-ticket products is about consistent marketing. 

I want your offer to feel like a no-brainer so in the next episode of Strategy Hour, I’m going to talk about pricing specifically. If you want me to help walk you through the steps of creating an entry-level digital product, I’m doing all of it inside my one-day challenge for free so be sure to check that out and send me a DM on Instagram to tell me your thoughts on this episode. I look forward to hearing from you!


Quote This

I think some of the best digital products are resources that you’ve built for yourself and then you turn around and give away to other people.



  • The Most Important Thing to Address When Creating a Digital Product [0:03:24] 

  • What Was Trello for Business? [0:14:13]

  • Why Selling an Entry-Point Digital Product Should Be Easy. [0:20:03]

  • The Best Way to Market Your Product. [0:25:54]

  • Consistency, As Always, is Key! [0:33:00]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Digital Products, Entry Point Product, Low-Ticket Offers


No-Brainer Pricing & Proving the Value of Your Intangible Digital Products to Potential Customers


Grow Your Impact and Revenue by Adding Digital Products to Your Offer Lineup