5x Our Affiliate Income Using SEO Strategies with Meg Clark of Clapping Dog Media

Episode 573: Show Notes

Welcome to another action-packed episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast! Our guest today is Meg Clark, the owner and founder of Clapping Dog Media, where she is the master of growing organic traffic. Using a combination of data, proven techniques, and years of experience, she attracts web visitors that not only stick around, but turn into paying customers. Simply put, she connects the dots of data to get your business found!

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During this conversation, we pick her brain about structuring your content to work for YOU and actually make you money! Get your notebook out because, today, Meg shares plenty of actionable strategies to help you do just that. Listeners will learn powerful SEO hacks to make your content worthwhile and convert to actual dollar bills, the secret to making Google happy even after changing your niche or what your business offers, and the most surprising thing we learned about traffic and what we're doing about it. We can’t wait to see how her strategies help to transform your business!

SEO Hacks to Make Your Content Worthwhile and Convert to Actual Dollar Bills

The foundation of good SEO is to be helpful to your followers, to be a thought leader, and to write good content that people like and share. When Meg first came to work with Boss Project, she identified how people were using our products and what their concerns were through reading through FAQs and website searches. From that, she was able to build a focused content calendar that benefitted Boss Project in terms of visibility and attracted the right users. Sometimes, highly searchable content indicates plenty of competition, so together we have identified the sweet spot: highly searchable, with low competition.

If you’re just starting out, Meg recommends you write articles that contain the big keywords alongside articles that include the longer versions and more niched-down keywords with a higher chance of ranking. Google watches which keywords people search, and where they choose to go, so if they go to your website, spend time on it, and click around, Google assumes that you’re a great answer to the search inquiry and they'll grant you more keywords and higher ranking for those terms. The same applies to video, podcasts, and any other way you want to put out content. If that sounds like a lot of work, bear in mind that it’s free! Rather than seeing it as a burden, see it as an opportunity to make your business easy to find.

The Secret to Making Google Happy, Even if You Change Your Niche or Offers

In 2021, you would struggle to find a business that hasn’t pivoted or changed what they offer at least once. It can feel overwhelming to navigate a shift in your business plan where search is concerned, but Meg shares some actionable tips to keep yielding results on Google as your business grows and changes. Her biggest piece of advice is to leave your former content published, and add a popup to say that you are no longer offering what is advertised, redirecting that traffic to your new page. Tell your audience why you’re switching, what you’re switching to and, perhaps most importantly, make it easy for them to find!

Once you’ve figured out how to attract your audience, your next challenge is figuring out how to make them stay. Meg recommends making content as ‘skimmable’ as possible by including three headlines in each thousand-word piece, and including a table of contents at the top of long pieces to allow users to jump to the parts they are interested in. Read through your content on your phone and make sentences shorter if they are not as easy to read on your mobile device. You can also benefit from thinking about where your audience might be while they read your content. If you can read it while drying your hair, that’s a successful blog post! Your main goal here is really to be helpful, while your secondary goal is to optimize your search.

The Most Surprising Thing We Learned About Traffic and What We're Doing About It

You want a balance of new and returning customers, you want your people to love you and continue to support your business, but you also need to attract new clients! What has surprised us most about our stats is that 85 to 90 percent of our traffic comes from brand new users. Storytelling works, but you have to get traffic first. Draw people in by providing a high quality answer to a question, and then use that opportunity to show them your other content. If users are finding you through your archive of content, they’re likely to have no idea what you do, so it’s important to redirect them to all of the other resources on your website, through an intro, a sidebar, a popup, or elsewhere. The goal is to turn one time visitors into friends. 


Quote This

The foundation of good SEO is to be helpful, be a thought leader, write good content that people like and share, and you are 90 percent of the way there.



  • SEO Hacks to make your Content Worthwhile and Convert to Actual Dollar Bills.

  • The Secret to Making Google Happy Even if You Change Your Niche or Offers. [0:18:34] 

  • The Most Surprising Thing We Learned About Traffic and What We're Doing About It. [0:34:00] 

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:43:05]

  1. Be very specific with your goal.

  2. Commit to consistently showing up in your performance. Do a 101 post explaining terminology and see what questions people are asking before answering them on your platform. Talk about the topic from multiple angles.

  3. Link your articles together in a landing page or a blog page or an ultimate guide.


Meg Clark

Clapping Dog Media

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Meg Clark is the owner and founder of Clapping Dog Media, where she is the master of growing organic traffic. Using a combination of data, proven techniques, and years of experience, she attracts web visitors that not only stick around, but turn into paying customers. Simply put, she connects the dots of data to get your business found.


Traffic, Search, Data, Techniques, SEO, Content, Blog posts


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