The Easiest Photo Editing App for on the Go - How to Snap, Edit and Post in Under 1 Minute
We thought everyone had heard of Pic-Tap-Go, but after chatting with other creatives and hearing about the (lengthy) process you go through to edit your iPhone pics, we had to bring you into the circle - this is where it’s at!.
You can get Pic-Tap-Go in the App store for $1.99 and it will be the ONLY photo editing app you'll ever need to open once you get your paws on it. Yup, we don't use VSCO or Instagram Filters or PicLab or anything else you might have heard of. Pic-Tap-Go is the only app in which we can get the light bright, colorfully-true, slightly pink, crisp photos that we know, love and are using to grow our Instagram following. You can develop (and save) your own editing style inside the app, lower effects of the filters, layer and even try black and white. Let us show you how it works!
First head to the App store and download this baby. Then scroll through your photo library to select the image you'd like to work on.
Once you have the image selected, you have the option to crop or rotate your image. Then you can scroll through the filters without even having to click on them. Each box shows you a preview of what that filter will look like at full strength. We always start with "Lights On" and turn it down slightly so that we don’t blow out the image. Use the slider at the bottom to turn the strength of the filters up or down.
Next, we start to layer different filters. We love that when we slide down from the image it lets us view all the filters before we have to commit to one. We usually choose “Awake” or “Air” for a slightly pink tint, then “Cool it Down” so that the image doesn’t turn orange-y. We turn down one of these so it's really low and not blowing out the image. Some other favorites include “Brightside”, “High Fives” and “Super Fun Happy”.
We usually finish with “High Fives”. It gives the image a nice crisp contrast and matte look. Because it's strong we usually turn it down really low. If at any time you're trying a filter and you don't like it, just hit “Undo” to go back to the previous screen, or hold down your finger on the image to view the "before" and lift to view the "after".
Once you're satisfied, click "Go" and the screen will pop up with your options to export or save. We have always just saved to camera roll because we like to have the edited version on my phone. If you're low on storage space you could always export directly to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
Here is the before and after of the image we just edited! It took us less than 20 seconds to get it to the end result!
If you like the filter recipe you've created, we recommend saving it so you can easily try it on new images. The app gives you a breakdown of what filters you used and at what strength. Give your recipe a name and you're good to go!
Here are some more examples of how great Pic-Tap-Go can be for all your images. Need a totally white out space? This app can do it. Need more tones and cropped in? This app can do it.
We love being able to edit inside just one app because not only does it save us time, but you can begin to establish an editing style. Being consistent in your online images is key to brand building and overall aesthetics.
If photography is something that goes way over your head, you can check out our set of 30 stock photos in The Creative Template Shop!