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The Strategy Hour Podcast

with abagail pumphrey

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Our Episodes

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7 Productivity Hacks for the New Year

In this episode we dive into seven habits we believe lead to a more productive life and a more productive business. These seven habits will ultimately help you achieve the goals and dreams you are seeking – whether those are personal or financial. You are one person, with multiple facets, and you can’t play blind to the fact that you have a life outside of work! We want to incorporate that into living a lifestyle that gets you where you want to go. These seven habits have been monitored over time in our own business. Whenever we are incredibly productive, we take a look at everything that we were doing over that time and ask, “What was a constant? What habits combined aided our productivity?”

A lot of people ask us what is it that makes us so productive, and everyone seems to be waiting for that miracle answer. But the reason why we are covering seven habits is because it is never just one thing. It’s never just one thing you do that helps you sell more, or get more people on your list, or land more clients. It is a combination of things that helps to create a successful business and a successful human being. So take a listen and learn more about the seven habits we focus on that have led to more productivity in our lives and how it can lead to more productivity in your life too.

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Using the Good, Better, Best Method for Goal Setting & Partner Buy-In with Megan Hale

Hello listeners, and welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast. Today we are so lucky to have our friend Megan Hale with us to chat about the newest goal setting method she has adopted! What better time to talk about goal setting than November as we reach the end of another busy year and look forward to the next one. If you haven’t already started planning for 2019 then this episode is a great place to start! Megan found a way through one of the most challenging and action-packed years of her life and somehow managed, through all the commitments, to have her most successful and profitable calendar year yet, which we think is just crazy!

Having a baby at the beginning of January and her husband leaving on military deployment soon after was not quite the comfortable start to the year many of us might hope for. Let’s just say that with her business to boot, she had a lot on her plate! Anyway, prompted by this chock-a-block schedule she decided to start laying out some goals and what followed, quickly became her Good, Better, Best model, which immediately helped Megan achieve and exceed her minimum goals. Sound great? We think so! Megan does a great job of unpacking all of the juicy and useful parts of this. So stay tuned to hear how you can get a complimentary template from Megan to start you off!

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Exactly How to Turn Your Vision Into Daily Actions

Ever been stuck with ideas and you just didn’t know if they were right for you or how to put them into action? We’ve been getting tons of questions from you all out there, and most of the questions being along the lines of, “How do you guys know when a product or a launch is the right thing to do?” and “When do you reassess and change things and how do you actually know that something isn’t quite right?” We’re here today to tell you about our past experiences and how we got to figuring it all out.

In our experience we’ve always just kinda “did it” and generally made it happen. There haven’t been many ideas that have come up that didn’t ultimately end up being created. We’re digging into how we originally started and how we knew it was the right choice for us.  We also delve into where our heads were at along the process and what you can do turn your vision into daily actions. From idea, to conception, to sale, we’re giving you both parts of our system. Be sure to keep listening to find out more!

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What Do We Actually Do Every Day?

Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast everybody! We are so happy to have you and can’t wait to share another batch of super useful biz info with our beautiful tribe. We thought it would be a good idea to let all of you know what our day-to-day work looks like and how we actually spend our time while working. To do this we are going to look back a bit and see how things started. Then we’re going to reflect on what we did in the beginning and then run through the developments over the last few years and discuss how our processes have evolved. Sound good? We thought so!

A lot of what a successful business is, is the day to day dealings, the schedule, as well as how you spend your time. If you can figure out effective planning and calendar solutions, you are halfway to realizing your dreams. At least that’s what we’ve experienced. This podcast has been a great way of measuring our progress and we have plenty of old episodes with related content, so make sure you are all up to date on those! Today, we’ll be delving into our individual schedules before we joined forces in 2015. Then we’ll show how our relationship and partnership has continued to mould the way we work. So without further ado, let’s get right into it!

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Boss Talk: If you could outsource three things in your life or business right now what would they be?

Welcome back to another special episode of The Strategy Hour! We are doing a new round of our favorite thing, Boss Talk! We are lucky enough to have Steph Crowder back with us, and you know how much we love it when she is around. This week we are asking each other: what are the top three things we wish we could outsource? That’s right, strategists, what are those jobs that you want someone else to do because it’s not your thing, you’re bored of it or you just have better ways to spend your time now that you are a boss?

As our business has grown we have found we need and want more and more of the day to day stuff handled by other professionals, so we can have space for the most important jobs and all the rest of the good things that life has to offer. This is one of the blessings of growing a business, you get to choose how it transforms and shape its future according to your instincts and needs. This conversation covers the most fantastical desires we have as well as the most mundane, don’t worry we didn’t skimp on the things we wish we could have just a little different! Come with us on this journey of wishes and wonderment and think about what you may like to outsource in your biz!

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Utilizing Software, Building Communication Channels and Striving for Common Goals with Angela Greaser of All the Ops

We are super excited to welcome our great friend and colleague, Angela Greaser, to the show today! Angela works with us as the Director of Operations at Think Creative Collective and is the Co-Founder of All the Ops. We really know how much Angela’s expertise has helped us in our business since she came on board and we cannot wait to share it with you! We get down to it with Angela on how you can streamline your operations, open communication channels and the importance of documenting your processes.

During our chat, we break down different social media platforms, software solutions and the integral value of company culture. Before we hired Angela at TCC, we are open to admit we really did not have any company culture to write home about. But with Angela’s help and proficiency, we are glad to say we have built much stronger practices within our virtual workspace. We even kept Angela’s name a secret until very recently just so no one could poach her from us! She’s just that good! If you are looking for ways to enhance and optimize operations in your business or even just want some inspiration to get things moving in the office, this episode is for you! Let’s get right into it!

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Establishing Effective Workflows to Balance Life and a Thriving Business with Laura Neff

On today’s show, we are absolutely delighted to welcome a great friend and massive inspiration, the one and only Laura Neff from Laura Lee Creative! Laura is a wedding and brand photographer as well as an educator in the creative community. Her particular style of creative magic has enabled her to share her expertise on workflow, systems, productivity and time management, all things every one of us can always improve upon.

Her values and priorities have pushed her to succeed in her own special way and now she is helping others follow their dreams and we absolutely love Laura for it! We get the lowdown on all things Laura and Laura just gives gem after gem of great inspiration. Trust us, you are not going to want to miss this episode. Tune in and let’s go!

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Communicating with a Growing Team + Our New Favorite Free App

In today’s episode, we’re going to walk you through how we went from communicating as single business owners to a partnership to now growing a team. We want to show you how communication systems can evolve and how we keep our business organized through our various communication tools, old and new. We have come a long way from endless phone calls and constant emailing and want to share with you how we stay on top of projects and ensure all of our work gets done and our team is on top of their tasks.

We have tried many different communication channels; our most recent addition being Slack, our new favorite (and yes, free!) app which we are going to tell you all about. Growing a team is not easy and if you are feeling overwhelmed with slipping and unproductive communication flows, we want you to know there are systems out there to help you. It’s time to do your research and fix your ish! This episode is here to help you do it, so take a listen!

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How We Put Our Business on Autopilot and Had 12 Weeks of Paid Leave this Year

Today on the podcast we are talking payments, money and how it all happens. Now we know we toot our own horns all the time because we are really freakin’ proud of ourselves for doing the work that we do; six-figure months, six-figure launches, just six-figure everything! However, sometimes when you hear that from business owners, especially online, you often imagine those people are working non-stop, night and day. But today, we want to come into the conversation and remind you guys we have never been those super-hustler type of creatives and entrepreneurs. It’s just not in our nature and we literally want to do the opposite.

Inside this episode, we want to show you it is totally attainable for you to have a successful business and not be working around the clock. It is all possible by setting up the right systems, having the right processes, offering the right products and having all the things that make a great business. Success in business does NOT always mean you have to be working nights and weekends or not spending time with your families. In fact, we don’t believe in working like that at all because it’s actually not healthy. If you are ready to put your business on autopilot, then you better tune in to this one!

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Self-Help Junkie Gives a Behind the Scenes Look at the Strategy Academy with Kendalyn Banks of Sage & Sea Apothecary

We have one of our dreamy students on the show today, Kendalyn Banks. She is a wanna-be mermaid, lightworker and sole proprietor of Sage & Sea Apothecary. She is multi-passionate and believes in taking the holistic approach to self-care and she’s got some amazing natural products in her shop. She is also a pretty smart entrepreneur! We had her on the show to walk you through exactly what she went through from starting her Etsy shop to growing her product-based business.

Kendalyn also shares her experience with Strategy Academy; what she was able to implement from the program and how she really started to see growth, both personally and inside her business. We are diving into nurturing versus growth. We are talking about pivoting, being a self-help junkie and what it’s like being a multi-passionate. At the end, we also go into the topic of meditation! This episode is a really amazing look at the behind-the-scenes of what a student inside Strategy Academy goes through. So if this is something you have been considering, you should definitely have a listen!

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Tackling Inbox Overwhelm with Email Marketing Strategist Val Geisler

Today on the show, we welcome Val Geisler. Val is an Email Marketing Strategist with a passion for digital entrepreneurship. With over a decade of experience working with everything from non-profits to multi-six-figure businesses, Val knows email like the back of her hand and is going to help us tackle the dreaded inbox today. We all communicate by email, especially in business. If email is one of our most fundamental communication tools, shouldn’t we be using it to the best of our ability? We all know what it’s like to have an overflowing inbox, scattered folders and hundreds of unread newsletters and emails we keep saying we’ll get back to. Managing your inbox can be stressful, time-consuming and downright overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be, not if it’s done right.

Today on the show we discuss the strategies, tips and tricks that you can start implementing today into your business. Tips to help you efficiently sift through the clutter, get things done and ultimately improve your business communication. We’ll be taking a look at different approaches to email; such as hiring out your inbox, Val’s OHIO method, the Pomodoro Technique, email marketing and why you should treat the inbox of others the way you want your inbox to be treated.

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Our Second Challenge Breakdown: 4 Days to Sexy Systems

We are here for our very first evening recording of the podcast. Tonight on the show we are breaking down our second free challenge that we recently hosted. Inside this episode we are giving you all the data and all the numbers of the results we got from the challenge. Plus, we want you to know that the biggest takeaway from all of this is that challenges are awesome sauce and we don’t know why you haven't run one!

Challenges are still kind of new and hot, so we are walking you through our 4 Days To Sexy Systems challenge and giving you the lowdown, including all the things you need to know about running a challenge and the results that we saw because of it. Keep listening to hear more babes!

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Rock Your Biz Babe: Boost Productivity and Build Sustainable Freaking Systems for Your Business

Rock Your Biz is back! The doors are open and we can’t wait to tell you all about this game-changing opportunity starting on September 25th. Rock Your Biz is a five-week online course for overwhelmed creatives who want to build a productive, sustainable, and profitable system inside their businesses. We are recording this episode in the middle of the Rock Your Biz launch so that you can get a taste for what it’s all about, what’s inside, what you’re going to tackle, as well as what this program can do for you and what it’s done for thousands of creative entrepreneurs around the globe.

Inside this episode we will be discussing the course framework, giving real life examples of how this course has helped others and giving you an outline of the course from week one through week five. Even if you are already enrolled, this episode will give you a framework of what to expect in the coming weeks as you go through the program. If you want to enroll you can go to where you will find a ton of information. Enrollment is open for just a few more days, so sign up now and get ready to go from a frazzled hot mess to a master of systems with the Rock Your Biz Course. Take a listen and no “but’s”!

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Tackling Your Systems, Working Backwards, and Avoiding Overwhelm

Today we are talking all things systems. Our main concept is all about working backwards to achieve a goal. This may not be a new concept, but it is one of the topics we get the most questions about. So we are going to answer a bunch of the questions we have received about achieving your goals and tackling them head on! Often, identifying an end goal can be confusing, overwhelming and lead to a lot of self-doubt. Especially if your business is new. We are here to tell you why you need to have an end goal in mind, no matter where you are in your business.

If the thought of reaching that goal makes you want to freeze, we want to show you how you can break it down into mini-tasks and work your way backwards to achieve it – without getting too dizzy. What if you’re close to a deadline and not even close to reaching your mini-goals? What do you do and how do you tackle it? This is what we’re going to be talking about today. This entrepreneur life is all about baby steps and we want you to know that you can reach your end goal. So let us help you and take a listen!

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4 Days to Sexy Systems: Get Your Shiz Together, Learn How to Prioritize Better and See Results

Today we are talking about the thing that we have created to help you get more organized, get your hot mess systems in gear and sort out what you need to be thinking about, asking yourself and doing if you truly want to have a productive work day and system to get more done in your business (yes, that was a mouthful). You might think that we’re going to come in here and just talk to you just about Trello for Business, which is incredible. But what we’ve noticed is that some of y’all that enroll in that amazing program still feel overwhelmed and you don’t know how to get all the shit you have right now into Trello in an organized manner. Well, we are here to help you avoid getting stressed out and overwhelmed in the process.

We made something for you. We could have recorded more content for the course, which we would have done, BUT we decided to do it a little differently. We put together a challenge for y’all to get your booty in gear, get yourself organized, have a plan in place, get your life in order, and plan for profit, plus then a system to keep it going over the long haul. Best yet, it’s FREE! You’re welcome. Our 4 Days To Sexy Systems is coming to you on September 5th. Keep listening to find out more.

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Woman leaning on back of chair and smiling at camera

meet your host

I don’t believe there’s one right way to build a business.

I’m your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m dedicated to supporting online businesses.

I’m here to help you build business your way: one that supports not only the life you have but the life you want. I’m on a personal mission to help you become financially free.

I’m talking about all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business. I’m here to help you prioritize your life every step of the way, whether you’re creating your first digital product, growing an email list, or scaling an already profitable business.

I want to hear your hot takes, your biggest takeaways, or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.

My DMs are always open on Instagram, so head over and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!

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