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The Strategy Hour Podcast
with abagail pumphrey
Recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, join our twice-weekly show as we share business strategies, interviews, and actionable advice for building an online business your way.
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Our Episodes
Own Your Everyday and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do, with Jordan Lee Dooley of Choice Publicity
Looking for a fantastic opportunity to flourish in your personal and professional life? On the show today we have the amazing Jordan Lee Dooley with us! She’s a speaker, blogger, podcast host, entrepreneur and now author who loves encouraging and advising women to live with more honesty, passion and grace – basically all the good stuff! Jordan is going to give us some of the key insights from her new book Own Your Everyday that is going to help us be the best version of ourselves.
But before you think it’s all pie in the sky ideas, she gives us the actual steps from overcoming distractions and anxiety, to cultivating a mindset where we’re no longer comparing ourselves to others. This is going to be a great episode for all of you who feel like you are going through a season of personal growth and for our sisters out there who might need a loving kick in the butt to get down to the business of becoming your best self. And let’s not mess around, we probably need all the help we can get, so tune in today!
How to Beat Imposter Syndrome
Today's episode is all about the required steps that you need to take in order to successfully sell what you do. That's right we are giving you the tools to really beat your imposter syndrome and beat it well! For the last couple of weeks we have been speaking a lot about where your clients are and how to find them, this is a big internal piece and it means getting over a big hairy monster! We also suffer and have suffered from this issue, so do not fear, this is the way to crack the code and move forward. We know you are doing this so no need to hide in the reeds! We see you convincing yourself if your work gets better you will get more clients and the reason you are not currently getting more clients is because of the quality of your work. It is easy to start thinking you should work for free or very cheaply and get into the churn of lowering your value, so that one day the glory gates will miraculously open and you will have arrived.
You know this is not the world we live in! It is not like your portfolio does not have any say in your client base but so many potential clients out there are less concerned with your portfolio than you. Customers are not in your field and do not have as discerning an eye as you do, they are more interested in the experience you are selling. So we are here to tell you to stop selling yourself purely on what you have already done and how good you think you are, not everyone knows good from bad as well as you do!
Learning to Focus So You Can Achieve More with Jonathan Cronstedt, President of Kajabi
Today is all about learning to focus and just doing the actual work! We often play work, procrastinating, doing the fun little things and walking circles around the actual tasks, and then we wonder why we are not succeeding or reaching our business goals. In this episode we are joined by Jonathan Cronstedt, the President of Kajabi, who tells us exactly what we need to hear about the actual requirements for positive business results. Kajabi is a majorly successful company in the digital world, serving online entrepreneurs and helping them to overcome all kinds of technology challenges. In their 7-year history, the company has had back to back showings on the Inc. 5000 and has helped its users sell over $400 million dollars of their products via the platform. This is bananas, right?
We talk about marketing and the online space, using Facebook Lives to grow your brand and generate sales, and we get into identifying distractions versus opportunities and how to be more productive in general. Jonathan emphasizes the need for mastering one marketing area rather than trying to do a bit of everything, and why it is so important to see a strategy through. Jonathan has so many amazing stories that will resonate with you and that’ll help you in your business, so don’t miss out on this straight up awesome episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast!
Abbie Is Not An Enneagram 3, There I Said It
Hi everybody! On today’s show we are talking about one of our favorite things — personality tests! If you know us at all you know we can’t get enough of these kind of exercises and understanding where we fit into each and every system. Today we will be discussing Enneagrams, our types, and Emylee’s controversial opinion that Abagail was mistyped in her first assessment. Enneagrams are relatively new to us, with Abagail doing hers first, just under a year ago. However, Emylee still feels she has enough expertise to assert some claims over Abbie’s type and what it really is, contrary to the results.
We are doing this episode in the lead up to the Enneagram and Coffee Summit that is happening very soon, which we will be speaking at! So to get you excited for that, we will be spilling the beans on everything we know about the subject and how we relate to it. Remember to go get your tickets for the summit while you still have time! And if you haven’t already done the test, go take it immediately. You know you want another way to understand yourself! In the meantime, tune in to today’s episode for an in-depth look at how it all works.
Creating Your New Possibility
On today’s show we’re doing things a little differently and taking you through a process that we believe can make a world of difference in your life! This episode will be all about inventing a new possibility in your life, and you’ll see just what a shift this can make. Abagail tried out this exercise recently and found it super helpful and enlightening, so we could not resist sharing it with our listeners. Full disclaimer though, it might be a bit of bumpy ride because let’s face it, most things that help you grow are not pain free. But we promise you’ll thank us in the end!
Emylee will be going through the guided exercise for the first time during the episode and you can join in with he. We can all get down to the nitty gritty together! A lot of the time we deal with the positive and negative aspects of our lives in repeated patterns of behavior that do not allow for very much progress. The process we will be detailing is simple and straightforward, yet it provides a lot of insight and hope into how small adjustments can change our lives in big ways. So if you’re game, grab your favorite notepad and buckle in, we’re going deep!
Our Words of the Year for 2019
Hello all of you wonderful listeners! We are so glad to have you back for this very important episode of our podcast! You know what time of year it is and you know we have done this before. Yes, it is time for us to each choose a word of intention for the coming year and to make sure that 2019 is the best one yet! While preparing for this episode we listened back to some of our previous words and New Years’ ideas and got some serious flashbacks! They feel so long ago but at the same time are still fresh in our minds.
Now we have to be honest, we came up with these words this morning! But at the same time we have probably been mentally preparing these ideas for ages now and in the episode you will hear all the background to why we chose our specific words and the pieces that came together to make this quick decision. We would also love to hear your own words for the coming year, so when you are done listening to this episode please share them with us, we would love to connect and affirm your choices. It is so impactful to communicate these ideas, it creates a sense of accountability and commitment!
Boss Talk: How Do You Deal with People Not Understanding What You Do for a Living? With Courtney Foster-Donahue
Hello all you business badasses and wonderful women! We are so glad to have you here for yet another episode of our little podcast. This week the The Strategy Hour is all about dealing with what can be a very tricky and irritating problem. Yup, you guessed it: how can you go about approaching the issue of people not understanding what your job really is? Most of us entrepreneurs and online business owners have encountered this dynamic in some way and it can be pretty tiresome and frequent!
So what are we to say and do in these situations? Whether it’s at a family gathering or in another social or business setting, we want to talk a little about what it’s like and share a few ideas on how to deal with this. To help us unpack the issue we have invited our dear friend Courtney Foster-Donahue who shares our frustrations in these regards and she has some great advice for all of you introverts out there that you are not going to want to miss. So without further ado, let’s get into it!
This Myth About Overwhelm Has Us Fired Up
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of your favorite biz podcast! Here at the Strategy Hour we always hope to give you the best advice, tools, and inspiration to get that business of yours popping and today is no different. This episode is all about a certain myth that has us a bit hot under the collar and we want nothing more than to dispel it! It goes something along the lines of not being able to reach your goals because of being overwhelmed by too much content and too many things to do. Now, we know this feeling, so don’t think it’s just you! But we are also here to tell you, get off your backside and start working because it is just not true and it is certainly no excuse to not put in the work!
So today we are going to be putting this myth to rest and giving you the fire and energy to go and get out of that overwhelmed funk! Okay? Great! We’ll be talking about how to interact with resources and content in an effective way and connect the dots between your to do list and the strategies you hear about. We implore you again and again to take action, a constant reminder throughout the episode, so take heed! And don’t worry, we also get into how we have slipped up in these ways over the past year and talk about some of the missteps we took in this regard. An important takeaway is the idea of co-working and accountability groups, something we have used — especially when starting out — to great effect. We finish off the chat thinking about ways to simplify your business and identifying your KPIs and critical numbers. So let’s get right into it!
Manifesting Space and Empowering People with Kinzie Ferguson
Hello all you wonderful listeners out there! Today we have a great episode for you and one that is a little out of the ordinary. We are chatting with Kinzie Ferguson who is a boudoir photographer and a great friend of ours too! This conversation is going to be all about how Kinzie recently manifested her dream studio space and the process that allowed her to do it. This was a big deal for her and the experience really drove home some things that Kinzie believes in. We will also be chatting about how Kinzie goes about empowering people and her philosophy towards compliments, positivity and intentionality.
It was recently Kinzie’s birthday and we decided pretty spontaneously to have this conversation at her party! This episode has it all, we talk about the importance of hard work and family, intentionality and just serving your people as best you can. We are going to getting kind of woo today, which is something we have been wanting to do for a while and this was the perfect excuse. We will be talking tarot readings, birth charts, the moon, and more. So get strapped in, we are going deep!
A 30-Minute Meditation Practice with Alma Omeralovic
Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast all of you wonderful and beautiful business badasses! We are so excited about today’s show and believe us when we say it’s an extra special one. Our guest today is Alma Omeralovic, who we met a few months ago when Amanda Boleyn brought her out at a speaking event and she guided a group of us through a meditation. We both felt an instant affinity for her and immediately and excitedly asked if she would join us on the show for a taste of what her mediation practice has to offer. So today we have a 30 minute, uninterrupted meditation, guided by Alma, followed by a short discussion on our experiences and questions. Sounds great, don’t you think?
This is an episode you may want to come back to a few times, depending on your needs. If you do not make it through all 30 minutes the first time, that’s okay, just go at your own pace. We recommend marking when the actual meditation starts in the audio so that you can skip directly to that part each time you would like to practice it. Another point we would like to make here, and something Alma mentions in our discussion, is that you do not have to have some perfect environment or situation to begin. We often might put off something like mediation because we do not have a perfectly serene, empty room, Alma says one of her favorite places to meditate is on the train or at the airport! So no excuses! Just try do as much as you can and see how you feel, it will definitely be a learning experience. So make yourself comfortable, find a gentle seat and keep an open mind.
Living in a Fear Based Mentality
Are you unsure of what you are doing or where you are going? We know the feeling! Here at Think Creative Collective we want to talk about these things with you! On this episode of the The Strategy Hour we are talking about the crippling effects of fear and anxiety. We are here to tell you that everyone feels these things at different times and you need to be kind to yourself when these scary feelings come around! It is the unknowingness and feeling unsure that make it so unbearable most of the time. But if we can talk about and acknowledge what is going on maybe we can make some progress and take a little more control of our lives. Come on sister, we know you got this!
Emylee feels that she has an unhealthy fixation on the amount of time she has left before she dies, something that can become overwhelming and paralyzing. This can stop her from achieving the exact goal that these fears arise out of, wanting to be impactful and do great things. She feels like she is not sure what do next and how to go about getting over these hurdles. Abagail on the other hand finds that she is stuck more in the present than on the future. She ends up settling for the dissatisfaction and inaction of not having any more to give and just wants to put her feet up and do nothing. We know our listeners have all their own worries and concerns that impact them in different ways and we really feel for all of you and hope that this episode can be the beginning of some important conversations towards better managing these issues.
How Volunteerism Impacts Our Business
Hey all you wonderful Wonder Women! We have a super fun episode for you today where we will be talking about our experiences in volunteering and just how much we have benefited from these. Specifically, we will be going over the time both of us have spent in the Kansas City Junior League and the work we have been involved in there. As part of our general mission to help all of our amazing listeners find their power and move with strength through this world, we would highly recommend any type of volunteer work and have extra faith in the Junior League organization which has chapters all over the world. During this episode we give some context to its work and how it operates.
We chat about how many great things the organization has to offer, both to its recipients and participants. We then dive into some of the many lessons we have learned over the last couple of years and Abagail shares her experiences working in partnership with the local animal shelter and anti-cruelty unit. This has been a particularly profound time for her and please excuse us if there are a few tears! Emylee also chats about her evolving position in the League and how trying new things has been such a rewarding process for her. We finish off by rounding up the multiple ways in which you and your business can grow through this type of involvement, a truly symbiotic relationship. So come with us and get inspired to help and grow!
Real Talk: Anxiety, Overwhelm and Not Knowing What You Want
Do you know that things need to change but have no idea what change actually means? Do you often get anxious, overwhelmed, and not have a clue what you want? Well, you’re not alone! This is a common season that every entrepreneur goes through at one point or another and it’s something that can happen over and over again. We specifically feel this around contentment; it’s a weird mix of feelings where we don’t know what we like and we’re not too sure of what we don’t like. It ends up being a ton of back and forth and ultimately we’re left feeling overwhelmed.
In today’s episode we’re tackling this head on! We are getting a peek into Emylee’s brain and talking about some of her experiences with anxiety. We’re discussing how to redefine what we want, recognize whether it’s even something we want to be saying yes to, and finding some of sort clarity amongst the chaos. If this sounds like you and something you might be going through, keep listening to hear more!
The Essential Shift You Need to Make to Conquer Anything with Jessica Eley
Hey amazing TCC tribe! We are so happy to welcome you back to another episode of The Strategy Hour Podcast. Today we have long time favorite and past guest Jessica Eley here to talk about how you can make the important shifts in your life to be able conquer anything and everything. Apart from being one of our “bestest” people in the world, Jessica is a verified badass and has loads of great stuff to share in this episode so you are not going to want to miss this one, we promise! We’ll be talking about finding points of resistance and ease, how to build up your confidence and basically tearing your life apart so you can build it all up again, stronger and better than ever.
Make sure to stay tuned to the very end as we will be making an extra special announcement about an offer you can take advantage of! But before we get there we will be having the type of conversation in which we wish all our listeners will be able to participate. Open, honest and self aware, these are the qualities that are going to take you from where you are now to where you want to be! We talk about that elephant that we find to be in the room just a little too much, this idea that if you are struggling with something you can just pour more money into it and then hope that some change will just miraculously happen. This episode is all about how you can do better by using your potential and taking action!
5 Guiding Principles to Live an Irresistible Life with Aimee Beltran of Irresistible Icing
Welcome back to the Strategy Hour Podcast everyone! Today we have a very special and meaningful episode with a wonderful guest that we cannot wait to share with you. Her name is Aimee Beltran and she started her own business and podcast called Irresistible Icing. We are huge fans and cannot wait for you to hear what Aimee has to say! Our guest has struggled with weight and body issues since she can remember and she has turned this difficulty into a source of support and care though her company. She always felt she needed to get to this idea of the perfect body but after years of bad experiences and self destruction she realized there were other ways to live the life she was dreaming of.
Aimee gives us the scoop on her five guiding principles that have helped her to start living an irresistible life. She takes us through these and gives us many other great insights and personal experiences. This episode is quite a deep one and we would like anyone with any history of body issues to be kind and caring to themselves while listening as we know these kinds of conversations can be very triggering. Nonetheless there are some tears and lots of laughter during our chat and the overwhelming message that we and Aimee really want to bring to our listeners is one of body positivity and acceptance. And remember things do not always have to be perfect!
meet your host
I don’t believe there’s one right way to build a business.
I’m your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m dedicated to supporting online businesses.
I’m here to help you build business your way: one that supports not only the life you have but the life you want. I’m on a personal mission to help you become financially free.
I’m talking about all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business. I’m here to help you prioritize your life every step of the way, whether you’re creating your first digital product, growing an email list, or scaling an already profitable business.
I want to hear your hot takes, your biggest takeaways, or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.
My DMs are always open on Instagram, so head over and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!
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