What We're Digging: In Life, Health & Home
Episode 335: Show Notes
Hey, everyone! Welcome to another episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast. Today's show is dedicated to chatting about all the latest things we are addicted to, the things we are digging and what we are into right now! Sound exciting? We hope so! Luckily for all of you, most of these things are all things you can buy, so you can use this as a fantasy shopping list if you so please, no one is stopping you!
So basically, in this episode we are going to chat about stuff today; stuff that helps you get one step closer to your own personal success. Take your cues from us! We have scoured our lives to find what is making them better and are bringing them to you. We are talking the last six or so months in gadgets, ideas, aids and plans. And believe us, there is no shortage of it! So without further ado, let's get to the list!
Library Membership & Saving on Groceries
So, Emylee has read more books in the last month than in the whole of last year, the reason for this is her newly found library membership! She is obsessed! She is flying through books, fun ones, non-biz stuff and recommendations from friends. She initially went in with her daughter and then joined the connected book club after signing up. She can't believe this much joy and content is free! She has basically been binging on her past year's worth of recommendations and another great addition is the dedicated library app that she downloaded. It lets you reserve books and browse the inventory, it's great! Although Emylee likes audiobooks, this just suits her better, for a bunch of reasons and she is kicking herself for not finding it sooner.
Abagail has always loved saving money on groceries and ALDI is such a great place for her to find what she needs and save some cash! She always shares her weekly shops on IG and you may have noticed she is eating way more produce and she can feel the difference, in her body and her pocket. The amount of control she has regained over her diet is amazing to her and her favorite thing at the moment are the veggie crisps, although they are not the most healthy!
New Plants & an Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse
Emylee has had a house plant for the better part of this year. Somehow it is still alive! And not only that, it is thriving. It is a dwarf Schefflera and she is in love with it. It is easy to care for and seems to like the same sort of temperatures as Emylee, ie. a bit too warm for most people! Abagail has also been in tune with plants and she and her husband have been making an effort to plant more and more herbs in their garden instead of just flowers. They now have chives, lavender, oregano, sage and others!
A while ago Emylee decided she needed to take some action to get rid of the pain she was feeling in her arm and hand from working on her computer. She purchased a new keyboard and mouse to help with this and although it is not as sleek and sexy as the original Apple stuff, it has made such a difference to her body. It took a minute to get used to the different shapes but now she is so glad to have made the change.
FitBit & Clay Earrings
Emylee got an Apple Watch a while ago and Abagail admits she was very jealous. She recently decided to make the plunge and get her own FitBit, which is quite a lot cheaper than the Apple but has all the important functions. She can receive text messages, tell the time, look at fitness stuff, see calls. She might eventually make the leap to the Apple Watch but this is a good in between! She does admit that half the reason she bought it is because it looks like an Apple Watch! Don't tell anyone! She can check on her step count and it reminds when she has not put in her daily fitness time.
Emylee often falls in love with things, tries them out and then abandons them! The latest in this line is her obsession with clay earrings. Don't worry they do not look like Play Doh! She is having so much fun making them, playing with the colors and styles and just seeing what happens! It is a much more cost effective creative outlet than painting which was a fortune to keep up. All you do is roll it out, cut it up, bake it, seal it, put on studs and voila!
Home Cooking & Electric Power Washers
Abagail has been working hard on herself and her health and this means thinking about what she eats and, therefore, cooks. Until about 6 months ago she hated cooking but when you are trying to be intentional about what you eat, it is much easier and better to do your own cooking. Restaurants will use the wrong oil and this can set you back days. After an adjustment period she has now fallen in love with cooking, she bought new cookbooks, tries out new and exciting recipes and has learned so much! It does not take that much extra time and energy to be a little adventurous, give it a try!
Emylee has realized that she is addicted to power washing but she thought all power washers were gas powered. Turns out that you get electric ones too! This has changed her life because it means that she can easily start up the power washer by herself and blast away. Boy is she happy about this!
ButcherBox & Daycare
Abagail cannot not eat meat, it is something that she just has to have in her diet, no matter what. That being said if she is going to eat it she wants to support farmers who are doing things in a way that she thinks are right. She is super excited about ButcherBox who ship the fresh, frozen and bloody meat straight to your door! Abagail loves it because of their humane ways of killing and that it is hormone and antibiotic free. It is also well priced, so that is an added bonus!
Until Emylee’s recent move, her daughter was going to daycare around the corner, then when they relocated the drive became just a little bit too far and she had to start looking for somewhere else for her to go. She has now found a place and having the space and quiet at home that she needs in order to work is such a blessing. On top of this the new school is amazing and she has learned so much, gets loads of outside play time and has friends and projects to get her excited!
Quote This
We have scoured our lives to find what is making them better and are bringing them to you.
Library Membership & Saving on Groceries. [0:01:58.4]
New Plants & an Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse. [0:09:08.7]
FitBit & Clay Earrings. [0:16:43.9]
Home Cooking & Electric Power Washers. [0:24:55.4]
Butcher Box & Daycare. [0:32:35.7]
Abagail & Emylee
The Strategy Hour Podcast
We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.
Things We Love, Smart Watch, House Plants, Power Washing, Crafting, Childcare