My Existential Crisis & Discovering What I Really Want

Episode 767: Show Notes

Today, I’m sharing an incredibly personal story about a crisis I faced in 2022 and the profoundly transformative impact it’s had on my life. Clocking that I was the same age as my mother when he had her brain surgery 30 years ago triggered a deep existential crisis in me and in this episode, I open up about my personal journey of self-reflection. With the insights and exercises I learned along the way, I’m eager to provide you with the tools to move through your own transformation. Out of necessity, I’ve become well-acquainted with what it looks like to truly reflect deeply, and I want to share my process so that you, too, can understand what's important to you and learn how to prioritize it going forward. Feel free to treat this episode as your compass to navigate the uncertain waters of self-discovery!

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The Crisis of 2022 and Its Transformational Impact

My personal crisis in 2022 brought about a profound transformation in my life. I had a panic attack exactly 30 years to the day after my mom's brain surgery and I realized I was the same age she was when it happened. It triggered a deep existential crisis, as I felt I had accomplished everything I set out to do and didn't know what lay ahead. I decided to embrace the uncertainty and practice the art of presence. It took time, but I eventually found contentment by prioritizing experiences, spreading love, and giving back. I realized that focusing on satisfaction rather than happiness was the key to my self-discovery journey.

Navigating Self-Reflection and Prioritization

During my period of self-reflection, I delved into books and stories about transformations and overcoming adversity. This helped me understand my emotions and triggers, giving me valuable insights into my own journey. I also began journaling, although not in the traditional sense. I recorded my thoughts, feelings, and desires without judgment, allowing me to process and address them. This practice enabled me to think bigger and challenge limitations, especially those associated with the gender roles that had unconsciously influenced my aspirations. It opened up new possibilities for my personal and business growth, which I'm excited to explore in the next phase of my life!

Finding Clarity and Purpose

Finding Clarity and Purpose: As I continued my journey of self-discovery, I realized that experiences were essential to my contentment. I started prioritizing spontaneity and adventure, booking trips, and trying new activities. Spending quality time with loved ones and spreading love through acts of service brought me immense joy. I also made a conscious effort to make a positive impact on the world, both personally and professionally. I decided to start a foundation with my spouse to give back to our community and leave a lasting legacy of positive change. Having clarity on what truly mattered to me helped me define my mission and goals.

Steps to Self-Discovery

Through my personal self-discovery journey, I’ve identified some steps and exercises that might help you on your own path, crisis or not. Step one, embrace uncertainty. Accept that you don't have all the answers, and that's perfectly fine. It's all part of the journey. Step two is all about self-reflection. Take some quality time alone to understand what triggers your discomfort and confusion. Dive deep into your thoughts and emotions, and don't be afraid to process it all. Reading stories of others' transformations can also provide some great inspiration along the way.

Self-Reflection Exercises

The thought of journaling might make you cringe, but trust me, it's worth it. This is not about fancy rituals; just write about your thoughts, feelings, and desires without judgment. Let it flow in any way that suits you. I use my phone's notes app, and it works just fine! Your random thoughts might just lead you to think bigger and break free from limitations.

To delve even deeper, ask yourself some questions: What are your core values? What truly brings you joy and satisfaction? What are you doing just because others expect it? Challenge yourself to think beyond your perceived limitations. If you're a visual person, try creating a vision board to explore your goals and dreams on a more emotional level.

Sometimes, a business tool can help us gain clarity in our personal lives too. Consider doing a SWOT analysis—assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It can reveal insights and help you overcome obstacles. Furthermore, take time to define your personal mission statement, which can align with your business vision and values.

Discover Financial Freedom With The Incubator

The Incubator is designed to help women achieve financial security and independence, which opens up endless possibilities. Through this program, you can learn and grow, just like Anna, who's planning for a proactive maternity leave, or Christa, who transformed into a confident career coach. Enrollment for the fall cohort is opening soon, and you won't want to miss the exclusive perks. Hop on our email list and follow us on Instagram for updates.

Ready for your own transformative journey? Take a step forward and book a call with me today— let's unlock your full potential together!


Quote This

Boss Project’s mission is to help more women become financially free. That focus is something deep in my soul and deeply important to me.



  • The Crisis of 2022 and Its Transformational Impact. [0:01:24] 

  • Navigating Self-Reflection and Prioritization. [0:10:43]

  • Finding Clarity and Purpose. [0:16:18]

  • Steps to Self-Discovery [0:23:05]

  • Self-Reflection Exercises. [0:26:30]

  • Discover Financial Freedom With The Incubator. [0:35:57]

Today’s Guest:

Abagail Pumphrey

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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The Strategy Hour Podcast is a twice weekly show hosted by Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams, the founders of Boss Project. Join us for semi-ranty biz conversations for service providers looking to ethically grow their agency businesses. Episodes cover everything from lead generation to leadership mindset to team culture and beyond.

Key Topics:

Self-discovery, Self-reflection, Personal transformation, Journaling, SWOT, Defying limitations, Finding clarity

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