Listen to This Before You Hire
Episode 737: Show Notes
You may have been tuning in to our podcast alongside the Incubator and looking for something better suited to where you are in your journey. We love that for you! Today’s episode is dedicated to you. We’re here to discuss some of the challenges you may face and how you can approach them.
Many of our Incubator graduates reach a point where they slowly want to remove themselves from some of the deliverables of their service. They want to be involved with strategy and direction, but they’re ready for everything else to fall to their team. They’re ready for the next phase, and this can be intimidating! This is not less work for them. In fact, at first, it’s more work. After that, it’s different work.
This isn’t about removing your job from the business. It’s shifting your focus to different aspects of the business. It will require you to grow and evolve as a manager, leader, and CEO. You’re going to go from just being the person who founded the business to sitting in a true CEO or leader’s seat. It’s such an exciting thing for us to see!
Building Your Roadmap to a Visionary Role
This is truly a visionary role where you’ll get to plan your business's future. What could it look like long term? How can you offer more? The path to get there is different for everyone! Where you’re at financially when you get to this point is different for everyone. We help people unravel what it would take to enter this new phase. How do you budget for this? How will this change what your capacity looks like as you hire?
What does it take for you as a leader? How do you create a healthy environment as a leader? How do you write a job description? It is an intensive process for a reason. There is so much to consider. Our goal is that during our time together, you make a strategic hire so that as these things pop up, you know how to tackle them. This is so powerful to watch because it goes so much deeper than changing the revenue! Most people in this position just want to change how they show up and untangle themselves from those day-to-day activities. It’s a lot!
Four Key Areas of Focus in C-Suite on Demand
We will be helping you develop a plan to hire for scale. We will also walk you through a budget creation process for hiring so that you can afford it consistently and forecast what you need to bring on even more team members. We will help you develop a team culture strategy based on your company's mission, vision, and values. That’s the foundation that you’re going to keep going back to. That’s going to help you define everything you do with your team and really help you to shift into that CEO mindset. This doesn’t only affect your leadership. You’ll start thinking about your growth, profits, and how everything fits together in a new way.
Just hiring one employee can help increase your annual business revenue by $100 000. That sounds like a wild stat. But we’ve seen it happen. Our clients feel truly supported. And that lack of support holds them back. Business owners often stunt themselves from additional sales because they know they lack the necessary support to deliver. When the support comes in, even if you utilize a contractor as a bridge, everything changes!
What it Means to Grow as Your Business Grows
We will give you clear guidance on the pace that will make sense for you and help you map out the future! The good news is, because you are going slow, you will be able to identify your threshold. Everyone we’ve ever worked with has a different threshold of what they want to take on. You have to grow as your business grows. Our vision for you is to replicate and grow your revenue easily and with less overwhelm. You’ll see an incredible impact on your business when you create an ethical hiring plan while creating a company culture that aligns with your values.
When you hire employees with totally different skill sets from you, you can do more than ever before. One of our strategies in the Incubator is to create a deeper impact with your existing clients than to try to attract more business. It’s important to make the right hires according to your goals. We talk about what it takes to fully onboard a new team member and how long it takes to see ROI. All of this is being done so that you can get a better work-life balance.
Ultimately, we want you to feel in charge of designing your business life. Things will happen! And you want to create an environment of support for everyone on the team. We really want to help you to do that! Now, we’ve previously done this in a mastermind-only format, but all that is changing. If this resonates with you, and you’re thinking of making your next hire, or moving away from day-to-day deliverables into a visionary seat, you need to schedule a call with us today!
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We’re going to give you clear guidance on the pace that’s going to make sense for you and help you map out the future!
Building Your Roadmap to a Visionary Role [0:08:50]
Four Key Areas of Focus in C-Suite on Demand [0:11:56]
What it Means to Grow as Your Business Grows [0:17:06]
Key Topics:
Hiring, Team building, Leadership, Business roles, Strategic direction, CEO