Introducing C-Suite on Demand

Episode 738: Show Notes

As a business owner, you will unlock different tiers of problems that you need to solve. While working with folks inside the Incubator, we’ve encountered many questions that we would categorize as ‘next level.’ We realized we have a lot we can help those people with. That’s what’s led us to introduce a brand new offer. We are so excited to talk about our new opportunity for people!

These are people who entered the Incubator, thinking that the next step for them was to start hiring more people. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t that! Instead, we worked with them on refining their offer so that they could start getting paid appropriately. Once they start getting those achievable results, they’re in the position to start looking for more people to hire.

How much do you save for hires? How much should you plan to pay them? What can you expect the return to be once you’ve brought someone on? How do you ensure you’re creating an incredible, ethical culture? We realized there’s a lot we can help you with.

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What Not to Brainstorm with Your Team and What We’re Offering Instead

We really want to be a safe space for people asking these sorts of questions. Some of these conversations just aren’t appropriate for you to have with your existing team members. It just doesn’t make sense to run them by your employees or the contractors you work with. Some things you need to work out alone and walk your team through afterwards.

We’ve been in a position where we’ve misread the room and negatively impacted a contractor due to broken boundaries. If you need support on a different level and are looking to forecast and create a budget, a hiring plan, a job description, pay, and beyond, that means you’re unlocking a new level!

When it’s just you and a contractor or two, you might be the CEO, but you’re also what feels like a million other things, that means these questions have the potential to really rattle you. Having a safe space to discuss them can be really helpful. It’s a messy stage, but you can do it more easily and intentionally when you have help.

How C-Suite on Demand Takes You Beyond the Incubator to the Next Level

People approaching us for C-Suite on Demand are often looking to transition a contractor to an employee. They’re ready to make their next hire, whether that’s a first employee or an intentional addition to a growing team. First, we must understand your ecosystem and what you are trying to build. Which roles are necessary to fill before you can move forward? A lot of this is about right sizing for growth. C-Suite considers the same activities, but specifically around your team dynamics and operations. How do you take this to the next level, and with whom? 

This isn’t a linear process. It’s an evolving thing. Your business will continue to show you signs while you’re working through this, and hiring is something that you need to re-evaluate continually. What skills does your business have already? Which ones do you need? Where are your holes? There are so many things we’ve had to pause on, and we’ve changed direction every time. 

What We Aim to Create for You and How to Use It 

We want to give you a place to figure out your next steps in real-time. Part of that involves aligning you with resources; to us, there’s no resource as powerful as real-life examples. The questions we’ve laid out to ask in an interview alone could save you tens of thousands of dollars. We want you to feel really strongly about hiring for skill. While it’s true that you can always teach skill, it’s not always realistic to take the time to do that. 

People are coming into this hesitant to make the next step. They could keep running the business as is. But they’re on a fast track to burnout if they do. They need more support so that clients are still taken care of and attended to if and when they step away for a day or a week. You may be completely able to deliver your service, but communication is such a key element of delivery that the right support can create the consistency that will change the game.

Introducing C-Suite on Demand

We’re starting with a six-month access to the program, the community, and the resource library. That’s where you’ll access job descriptions, the hiring process, different test projects, how to assess skill and culture fit, and more! We also have resources for once they’re on your team to onboard them and build a back-end framework.

We come from wanting to have a very ethical and safe team culture. If you don’t know the basis of where expectations should stem from, we’ll help you with that too! We help you with every step of the hiring process, from what to include in the job description to what to say after the interview. C-Suite clients also get access to the Incubator. 

This is about deep impact. There’s no rush. The progress you see, we’ll have an amazing onboarding session where we get to know you and your goals. We have weekly training, Mastermind calls, C-Suite calls, and an incredible community within an intimate space.

What to Expect: Stories From Our C-Suite Clients

An Incubator client opted to stick with us and try the C-Suite On Demand program after optimizing the size of her product. She wanted more insights on operations, hiring, and how to be in charge. She has since hired two new contractors and finally pinned down her mission, vision, and values. She’s written job descriptions and identified sales trends while growing her understanding of the ebb and flow of profits. Ultimately, she was able to redefine what she wanted her role to look like and how to get there. 

Another client joined us at the brink of burnout. She knew she needed to scale her team, but she was overwhelmed by the process. She wanted to replicate the results she was working so hard for with a lot more ease, and regain time to herself to spend with her family. She is hiring her first employee, understanding how to use her time, and she is transitioning to an S-Corp. Ultimately, it’s helped her to take her CEO tasks more seriously, and stopped pushing those tasks to the bottom of the list.

Are you a fit for this cohort to carry you into the next chapter of your business?


Quote This

We are very intentional about making sure that the progress that you see is in alignment with what you actually want to achieve in your business.



  • What Not to Brainstorm with Your Team and What We’re Offering Instead [0:12:40] 

  • How C-Suite on Demand Takes You Beyond the Incubator to the Next Level [0:16:40]

  • What We Aim to Create for You and How to Use It [0:19:17]

  • Introducing C-Suite on Demand [0:22:39]

  • What to Expect: Stories From Our C-Suite Clients [0:28:29]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Emylee Williams

Co-Founder & Former CMO at Boss Project

Key Topics:

Goal-setting, Resources, Leveling Up, Community, CEO, Business Roles


Re-Envision Your Role Within Your Business


Listen to This Before You Hire