How to Have Deeper Relationships Even if You’re An Introvert
Episode 338: Show Notes
Welcome back to the Strategy Hour y’all! A couple of weeks ago we had a workshop and we got a few comments that caught us totally off guard. This came after we spoke about using referrals and tapping into the resources of your inner circle to jumpstart your business. We know what we are talking about when it comes to network marketing, but there is the icky side of this that involves random messages from people you haven’t been in contact with for ages and then they suddenly need something from you. That is not what we are advising you to do!
These “Hey Girl” messages are simply not the way to go! You don’t even need social media to have the conversations we are urging you to have. But if you are using social, here is our ten cents about it: respond to others in the way that you want to be responded to. Building our business came down to personal relationships and conversations and today we’re sharing more of our personal experiences and successes on this front. So be sure to tune in for this episode of Strategy Hour, and find out how to create those meaningful business relationships!
The Fear Of Being Direct And Asking For Help
The thing is, for many people, being direct is really scary and they feel like they’re putting pressure on friends and family to help them. We all have an inherent need to help people or set them up for success, we like that feeling of accomplishment, of being that person for others. Yet, we find it so difficult to ask for help for ourselves! Why is it that we don’t feel we have the right to ask our loved ones to do a small thing for us? And the fact is, they’re not physically helping you anyway. You are entering a conversation with them, telling them what you are doing and who your ideal client is and asking if they know anyone, and then perhaps they answer you. This is really all you are asking of them. Everyone needs help from people to get ahead, so let go of that idea that you can do it without asking anything from anyone.
Quality Or Quantity In Relationships?
There’s also a problem with believing that a greater number of surface-level conversations will serve you better than a handful of quality conversations will. We have this idea that many acquaintances will benefit you, but not necessarily. When we engage in shallow conversations of small talk, they don’t mean much, while an honest, deep conversation is so much more meaningful. We fill our lives with “Okay, good” conversations but you have to pick a number of key people to really connect with and invest in. This requires intention and time. And it’s these relationships that are fruitful. Even if you think you have no one, pursue that one connection you have. It does not mean you have to be BFFs with everybody, but just having a few people who know what’s going on in your life and who keep up to date with what you’re doing will go a long way.
Fostering and Respecting The Connections You’ve Made
By default, many of us to stick to the familiar, but we need to pursue other relationships and actively choose to nurture them. When you do have these connections, they are powerful in getting out the word about your business, even in the most unlikely of ways. But of course that does not mean abusing these relationships for your own gain! You must go in with no motive – it has to start with an actual connection and friendship. We have the ability to pick anyone and pursue them, but you can’t go in with intentions and expectations of what they could mean to you. Meeting someone in person is also much more fulfilling than just following someone on social media. Connecting with someone face-to-face is of immense value to both your business and overall well-being.
Picking People Who Speak Your Language
You will spot the right people: those with the same values as you; you’ll see them on your social media and showing up in your life, and these people will love and support you! They can really help you and add meaningfully to your life. Yes, there are people who might try to suck the life out of you or drain you, but others will be encouraging, and you have an opportunity to be an encouragement and support to them in return. Remember that what you sow is what you reap. So do more of the stuff that you want people to do for you. A simple comment on someone’s post can make the world’s difference to them and get the relationship going.
Quote This
None of us can thrive alone, literally none of us.
The fear of being direct and asking for help. [0:07:08.1]
Quality or quantity in relationships? [0:13:05.1]
Fostering and respecting the connections you’ve made. [0:22:04.1]
Picking people who speak your language. [0:32:53.1]
Abagail & Emylee
The Strategy Hour Podcast
We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.