I’m Growing by 1000 Students a Month – Here’s What I Do That You Might Not

Episode 922: Show Notes

I recently passed the milestone of having 40,000 students which is just incredible! To have educated that many small business owners over the last decade has been such a gift and we are growing faster than we ever have before. At the end of 2024, I was averaging adding 1000 students a month and today I’m sharing what I’ve been doing that you may not be that I think is making all of the difference. This isn’t some magic formula that will give you the same results as me. Ultimately, this is a combination of mindset, strategy, and systems that I’ve refined over many years and these are the things I think are actually moving the needle. Let’s dive in!

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The One Mindset Shift I Made to Be Hyper-Consistent

This first one is a little wild to me because I’m generally not as good at keeping commitments to myself as I am to other people. The trick that’s worked for me in my business is turning the things I think are important (and are about me) into things that I think are actually about others. This helped me become incredibly consistent. People often assume that it’s either all about quantity or all about quality and that you have to give one or the other. But really, building a business is about both, and quantity does help! It gives you more reach, more opportunities, and more ways to experiment. You’re not going to be consistent in everything you do. But I want to challenge you to select one thing that is bringing you the most traffic, generating the most leads, and converting into the most sales and prioritize being crazy consistent at it for 90 days. 

How to Eradicate the Fear of Failure

Failure does not scare me. Not even a little bit. It did at the beginning but not anymore because failure is just fear in disguise. Ultimately, what drives results isn’t success itself, it’s your enthusiasm! The results come when you do the work with an energy that’s attractive. I want you to be driven by your own creativity and excitement instead of your results. Perspective is truly everything and being willing to fail gives you so much freedom to try things. When I am focused on serving my audience, failure becomes far less intimidating. I am worried about making a difference and that’s what keeps me going. I want you to ask yourself what you would do if you weren’t afraid that something may not work. At the end of the day, you don’t know if something is going to work unless you try it, so assuming it’s going to fail before you’ve even put it out there is a failure in itself! 

The Biggest Opportunity to Accelerate Growth

I leverage collaborations because they are going to accelerate growth. It is an opportunity to reach more people, open new doors, build trust, go out into the world, and share things. I want you to ask yourself what you can share, what you can give, and what will make a difference instead of focusing on what you can get out of a collaboration. The more generous you are with your time and expertise, I promise you will reap the rewards! You caring for other people’s audiences and doing things for them is like the biggest form of positive karma in the business world. My brand partnerships have put me in front of thousands of small businesses who are my ideal clients. But you don’t have to start off that big. I just want you to think of one peer in this industry that you can genuinely give to without worrying about how it’s coming back to you and approach that person with the idea. 

Leveraging Support

Something I think you might not be taking advantage of is support. I cannot stress enough how much having help allows me to do more! I need you to understand that because I have support means that I have the time to move my business forward. It’s important to know that if you don’t have that support, you can still achieve your goals, but it may take longer. That perspective is really helpful when you feel like other people are doing more, doing better, or getting further faster. I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself what support you have right now. Support doesn’t necessarily mean paid employees. I want you to start small and come up with more opportunities to leverage support in your community. I also want to stress that having support doesn’t always mean you have to use it to grow your business. Even just freeing up some time for yourself to rest to be more creative and get more done. I want you to be able to free up some of your resources so you have more time to spend your life how you want to. 

The Power of Repetition 

One of the things people are skipping a lot is repeating yourself! I know it’s going to drive you bonkers but it’s required. You need to repeat your message because only 1% of your audience is seeing your content so repeating your message isn’t redundant, it’s smart! You need to continue to put out your best work but your best work doesn’t have to be brand new! If something you did a few months ago worked, don’t be afraid to copy/paste it! Yes, you read right! Don’t worry about whether or not your followers have already seen it. I’m not encouraging you to be lazy, I just want you to take the things that are working and recycle them to work again! Another trick to this is taking a high-performing piece of content and then repurposing it for another type of content. When considering what content has been successful it boils down to traffic, leads, and conversions – not likes and visibility! I want to challenge you to look beyond the vanity metrics and measure what’s actually driving sales. 

I do think that some of the things I’ve spoken about today may be things you understand but I’m not sure they’re things you’ve really embraced and I know that these are the things that are making massive differences in my business. Even if you only walk away from this episode committing to one thing, ask yourself what one thing you’d be willing to try for at least the next month. I want to know which of these strategies resonated most with you so head on over to Instagram and send me a DM. I’d love to know more about what you’re trying! If you’re looking for more details, then you need to steal my two week Live Launch all about how I put every product out into the world!


Quote This

Attention is not what keeps your business in business, money does!



  • The One Mindset Shift I Made to Be Hyper-Consistent. [0:01:53] 

  • How to Eradicate the Fear of Failure. [0:06:46]

  • The Biggest Opportunity to Accelerate Growth. [0:10:46]

  • Leveraging Support. [0:17:12]

  • The Power of Repetition. [0:22:44]


Abagail Pumphrey

Abagail on Instagram

Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook

Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Growing Your Students, Mindset, Growth Acceleration, Consistency, Collaboration, Repeating Success

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Indeed.com/STRATEGYHOUR for a $75 sponsored job credit


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