Childhood Trauma & Finding What You Really Want
Episode 810: Show Notes
I've got a pretty personal tale to spill today—a deep dive into the crisis I faced back in 2022 and how it flipped my world. So, picture this: I'm cruising through life, and bam! I hit a moment where I realize I'm the same age my mom was during her brain surgery three decades ago. Cue the existential crisis! In today’s podcast, I'm laying it all out, sharing my self-reflection journey, and tossing in some cool insights and exercises I picked up along the way. I hope these tools help you move through your own self-reflection and transformation and help you pinpoint what's important to you so you can prioritize those things going forward. Treat this episode like your trusty compass for navigating the sometimes choppy seas of self-discovery!
The Transformational Impact of My 2022 Crisis
So, in 2022, I hit this personal rough patch that ended up flipping my life around in a pretty big way. Picture this: I'm cruising through life, and then wham! A panic attack hits me, right on the exact day, three decades later, from my mom's brain surgery. Talk about a cosmic coincidence! It kicked off this deep existential crisis—feeling like I've ticked off all my goals and not having a clue about what comes next.
But, you know what? I decided to roll with the uncertainty, master the art of being present, and took my sweet time finding contentment. How? By putting experiences first, spreading love like confetti, and giving back whenever I could. I figured out that chasing satisfaction beats the pursuit of happiness any day—it's the secret sauce to my journey of self-discovery!
Self-Reflection and Prioritization
In my self-discovery journey, I dove headfirst into books and stories about people transforming and conquering tough times. It was like a crash course in understanding my own emotions and figuring out what pushes my buttons. Then, I kicked off this not-so-traditional journaling thing—I dumped my thoughts, feelings, and wishes on paper without any judgment. It turned out to be a game-changer, letting me dream bigger and question the limits, especially those sneaky gender role influences that were shaping my goals without me even realizing. This whole routine cracked open new doors for my personal and business growth. Exciting times ahead as I gear up for the next chapter!
Finding Purpose and Clarity
As I kept cruising on my self-discovery ride, it hit me—experiences were the secret sauce to my happiness. So, I kicked spontaneity and adventure into high gear, booking trips and diving into new activities. Hanging out with my favorite people and spreading love through little acts of kindness became my joy anthem. And guess what? I decided to up the ante on making a positive impact, both in my personal life and on the professional stage.
Here's the kicker: I teamed up with my spouse to kickstart a foundation, aiming to give back to our community and leave a legacy of good vibes. Getting clear on what truly lights me up helped me carve out a mission and set some rock-solid goals. Bring on the positive changes!
Steps to Self-Discovery
Through my personal self-discovery journey, I stumbled upon some moves and activities that might just be your jam, whether you're in a crisis or cruising through the calm. First up, give uncertainty a big ol' bear hug. Admit you don't have all the answers, and guess what? That's totally cool—it's all part of the grand adventure. Now, for step two, let's dive into some quality me-time. Grab a moment alone to figure out what's causing those funky feelings and chaos. Go deep into your thoughts and emotions, and don't shy away from processing it all. And hey, reading up on others' transformation tales can sprinkle some serious inspiration on your own journey.
Jumpstart Your Self-Reflection
The thought of journaling might make you cringe, but trust me, it's worth it. This is not about fancy rituals; just write about your thoughts, feelings, and desires without judgment. Let it flow in any way that suits you. I use my phone's notes app, and it works just fine! Your random thoughts might just lead you to think bigger and break free from limitations.
Ask Yourself:
What are your core values?
What truly brings you joy and satisfaction?
What are you doing just because others expect it?
I challenge you to think beyond your perceived limitations. You might also like to create a vision board to help explore your goals and dreams on a more emotional level.
Consider Your SWOT
Try using the SWOT analysis business tool to gain clarity in your personal life. With SWOT, you assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Doing this can reveal hidden insights and help you overcome obstacles. Another business tool to use here is the mission statement. Define your personal mission statement, which will align with your own vision and values.
Grow With The Co-op
Ready for your own transformative journey? The Co-op is designed to help women achieve financial security and independence, which opens up endless possibilities. Take a step forward, join the Co-op, and let's unlock your full potential together!
Quote This
How can we take the weaknesses that we see in ourselves and either flip the script on them and see them as our superpower or see them as opportunities for development?
The Transformational Impact of My 2022 Crisis [0:01:24]
Self-Reflection and Prioritization [0:10:43]
Finding Purpose and Clarity [0:16:18]
Steps to Self-Discovery [0:23:05]
Jumpstart Your Self-Reflection [0:26:30]
Grow With The Co-op [0:35:27]
Abagail Pumphrey
Boss Project on Instagram | Facebook
Abagail Pumphrey, the Co-Founder & CEO of Boss Project, has been a driving force in the creative entrepreneur industry since 2015. With a passion for empowering service-based business owners around the globe, she became internet-famous after the launch of the transformative training, "Trello for Business." This innovative system revitalized the operations of over 10,000 business owners, making a significant impact on the online business landscape.
Under Abagail's leadership, Boss Project has been featured in prestigious publications such as Forbes, Marie Claire, INC, and HuffPost. Her twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, is a staple in the business community, continuously topping Business and Management Charts on Apple with millions of listeners from around the world.
Abagail's superpower lies in her ability to break down complex concepts into easy-to-implement, duplicatable systems. As an expert in online sales and a data-driven strategist, she has turned a layoff into a 7-figure work-from-home business. Abagail's mission to help more female founders become financially free, without letting their businesses take over their lives, continues to inspire and guide entrepreneurs on their path to success.
Key Topics:
Personal transformation, Journaling, SWOT, Defying limitations, Finding clarity, Self-discovery, Self-reflection
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