#5DaysToLaunch Challenge is Back!

Episode 132: Show Notes

The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge is back and we are beyond pumped! The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge is a free and designed to help you go from figuring out what your product should be to selling it by the end of the week. You might be thinking, “What!? That’s impossible!” But the truth is, it’s absolutely possible! We have had hundreds of students accomplish this, and much more, in this five-day challenge. We created this course because so many of you are just sitting on your laurels.

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“It’s not good enough.” “It’s not ready.” “This thing is not perfect.” Sound familiar? Well, we are tired of it because we believe in you guys more than you believe in yourselves. We know you have some brilliant ideas and your audience deserves to see your good stuff! So the #5DaysToLaunch Challenge is a way for us to get your booty into gear push you, ever so kindly, every step of the way. If you’ve been on the fence about launching a product or just putting yourself out there, now is the time to do it and we’re going to show you how.

The Goal of The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge

The whole goal of the challenge is to see you go from A) figuring out what your product should be to B) selling it by the end of the week. We know you may be thinking “What!? That’s impossible. I need way more time to figure this all out” but talk to the hand because we are about to spit out some results that are going to blow your mind! This is what happened to a bunch of students who went through our challenge last year. Molly launched her coaching packages as well as a private community for those people. All in five days. Boom. Diana, another student, started making these handmade candle holders and put them up on Etsy. Brianna started putting together brand packages so she could take her work and make it easier to sell. Mary launched an amazing solar viewing kit on her brand new Etsy shop as well and Tanya officially launched her website that she’d been working on for several months. Tanya said The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge gave her the “oomph!” she needed to kick it in the booty. So you see, these goals are attainable and here’s how we do it!

Day One To Day Five Of The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge

Starting on November 17th, 2017, which is just a couple days away, we are going to be getting you started. Day one is all about helping you find your MVP also known as your Most Viable Product. It’s the thing you can create right now and the simplest, fastest thing you can push out the door this week. Easy money without the complicated frazzled-ness. That can come later. On day two, we walk you through how to package it all up and price that baby so you’re ready to get your shop running the next day. We know this is where a lot of you get stuck. You start analyzing all the details; what the competition is doing, what should you price it, what should you call it, etc. We want to help you get out of that realm and get you ready so that on day three, you can get your shop set up, get that baby listed and start selling right away.

These are the three phases you need to focus on to get your product out the door. And on day four and five, we are going to help you to market it, launch it and convert to sales, sales, sales! This can be a big or small product, cheap or expensive – it doesn’t matter what it is you are putting out there. We are going to help you come up with a plan to ensure people see it and start getting excited about it. Even if you’ve already launched but think it could have been done better, you can also go through the challenge to re-launch. This might help you to see some steps you might have missed in the process, help you to refine your marketing and get you on your A-game.

Benefits Of The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge Community

We’re often scared to put our product out there. What if no one likes it, right? But with The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge, you are placed in a community where everyone is doing something scary. Sometimes this makes it easier because you can fuel off of that energy. You will have the opportunity to share your progress and your business with the group. Which, we might add, often converts directly to sales from the forum alone! You will have the support from your business sisters as well as the opportunity to share your product or service with this community of over 14,000 students who have participated in this challenge. Which, in itself, is a great marketing tool! You can go from just an idea to making money on the idea in the same week and have all the support you need in which to do it. Safety in numbers!

What To Expect After Launching Your Product

It’s after day five. You’ve finished the challenge, your product is out there and people are buying it. So what happens the next week? The number one question we get asked all the times and what led to the creation of this challenge is, “What are the things that I should be doing when? What did you guys do in your business and when, in order to prioritize properly, see success and grow at any rate? When should I be trying to implement new marketing strategies? What should they be and how do I actually do it?” Part of the answer to that is, well we just want you to get a product out the door first! Just get it out there! We want you to do the hard, scary things first. We want you to put yourself out there.

So we are creating The Perfect Business Roadmap masterclass to help you take it a step even further. It’s an hour and a half of learning the roadmap and the steps you could implement in your business to see amazing results. Once you get your product out there you ask, “Okay, now what?” The Perfect Business Roadmap is the answer to that question. In less than thirty minutes a day, you can get all of your homework done, fill out your workbook, participate in the group and even have a live Q&A session with us throughout the challenge. That’s live free coaching from us for five days. On top of that, just by participating in this challenge, you also have the opportunity to win a free scholarship to The Strategy Academy, worth over $12,000. Sounds good right?

Let’s Get Going! How To Sign Up For The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge

To sign up for this incredible challenge, you need to go to the 5daystolaunchchallenge.com. That’s going to get you access to the 5 daily lessons, free training and automatic access into the masterclass that’s happening on the 14th. On top of that, it’s going to give you the opportunity to win that scholarship if you participate. We had over 4,000 people sign up last time and we can’t wait to welcome you to the challenge! This November, we’re anticipating similar numbers, if not more, so you’re not going to be alone. The energy that shifts throughout this week during the challenge is that of so much support, encouragement, tips and suggestions to help you get the nitty-gritty of launching out of the way. What’s cool about having a community of over 14,000 is that we pretty much cover every industry that’s out there. So we’re pretty sure you’re going to connect with your tribe within the tribe! It doesn’t matter what you’re selling. We’ve got you covered in our community. Go now and sign up for free and then share it with your friend who has been sitting on the fence of launching their product. We have been known for (lovingly) giving kicks off the fence! So sign up, share it and let’s get you out there!


Quote This

You can go from just an idea to making money on the idea in the same week.



  • The goal of The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge and how it is actually attainable! [0:03:15.1]

  • An overview of what The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge entails with each day broken down. [0:05:17.1]

  • The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge Community and how to benefit from the support of your business sisters. [0:11:45.1]

  • What to expect after launching your product and following the business roadmap. [0:18:10.1]

  • How to sign up for The #5DaysToLaunch Challenge and get your booty into gear! [0:23:50.1]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


5DaysToLaunch Challenge, Launching products, Online sales, Digital marketing, Free course


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