4 Things a Service Provider Must Get Right: Part One Identify Your Result

Episode 661: Show Notes

We are bringing you a series! It’s going to be a four-part series dropping on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next two weeks. In it, we’re going to be covering the four things that a service provider must get right. The reason why we’re launching this particular series is because we’re surprised, year after year, about the lack of higher-level resources geared towards the tens of thousands of people who listen to this show, namely established business owners who are looking to figure out their next move for their business, so that they can level up. So, we’re creating those foundational resources for you in the form of a podcast series. We’re so excited to dig in, come join us! 

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You’re Not Doing It All Wrong! 

Business is cyclical. When you first start your business, you will probably have a naive way of thinking and you’ll try out lots of different things to see what sticks. Then, once your business becomes more established, you’re having consistent $10,000 months, and you’re saying no to clients because you don’t have the capacity, you’ll start to feel new in a different way. You look around you and it seems running a business is a whole lot easier for them than it is for you, and you know that something needs to change in your business but you don’t know what it is. If any of this sounds familiar, you’ve come to the right place because we know what it is and we’re going to share it with you! 

Exploring the Concept of Service Excellence

Service excellence can be defined as what a business chooses not to do well. You need to determine which attributes to target for excellence and which to target for inferior performance. This might feel weird, especially for you perfectionists out there who like to do everything right, but this is the missing ingredient in identifying the unique way that you show up in your result. Walmart, for example, values low-prices and a wide selection but it doesn’t put much effort into customer service and ambiance. Commerce Bank, on the other hand, has adopted the opposite strategy! Both of these businesses know what they do best and attract customers based on that. 

It’s very hard to sell when you’re trying to be all things to all people. The data shows that the businesses that are more likely to crash are the ones where the business owner doesn’t have any boundaries. If you’ve spent your entire life making sure that other people are happy, then we’re here to tell you that you can create a new, self-aware version of yourself that puts your happiness first and is able to run a thriving business, and we’re going to help you get there

Matching Your Service Attributes to Your Target Customers’ Priorities

You know what you’re going to get when you walk into a Walmart— their customers are self-selecting. Some people will literally never shop there, and that’s exactly what Walmart intended when they decided on their service excellence attributes. So, the question you need to be asking yourself is whether you have designed your business in a way that segments your potential audience so that there is a group of people who very specifically want what you have and another group that very specifically is not interested. 

Understanding Your Clients

As long as you know exactly what result you want to achieve for what clients, you can evolve your company as often as you need to. That being said, your fundamental values need to be consistent. Do you understand the alternative solutions that your clients would explore to solve the problem that you want to address? It’s vital to be aware of what your competition is doing so that you can either adopt things from them or be very clear about how you are different from them so that ultimately you are responding to your clients’ needs and wants in the most effective way. 

If creating a sustainable and profitable business is important to you, then checking out The Incubator needs to be your next step! Have questions? Send us a DM or head straight to our website and apply! P.S. applying is totally free!


Quote This

Being mediocre at a lot of things is not very helpful.



  • You’re Not Doing It All Wrong! [0:07:24] 

  • Exploring the Concept of Service Excellence. [0:11:43]

  • Matching Your Services to Your Target Customers. [0:26:41]

  • Understanding Your Clients. [0:27:52]


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Leveling Up, Service Excellence, Consistency, Boundaries, Self-awareness, Target Market, Ideal Client


Boss Project Incubator

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The 4 Things a Service Provider Must Get Right: Part Two Making Sure the Deliverables are Profitable


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