15 Organic Ways to Generate Buzz About Your Business
Recently I have been receiving a lot of questions about how I have been generating buzz for my business. Well, rest assured, this isn't rocket science. I have used some of the following tactics and have plans for several more. The key is staying in front of your audience as much as possible. Give them reasons to come back day-after-day and create value for them that is more than just a material product or service.
To help give you a boost and get your mind jogging I am sharing 15 organic ways to boost business. Many of these will cost you nothing more than time. Take these as a jumping off point and curate your own pathway to success.
Write an article about a person, business or event you endorse. Make it unexpected and make it meaningful. A story that showcases their story with your own twist will not only delight them, but could potentially lead to them sharing it on their own social media outlets or website… Free press!
Share your passion and purpose. Don’t be afraid to really be open about how or why you started your business. What makes you tick? What gets your creative juices flowing? That inside information is pretty juicy stuff.
Showcase exclusivity. I personally don’t limit the kind of clients or the industry they reside in, however this can be used to your distinct advantage. Limit your offering to a certain set of customers. This list should naturally align with your ideal clientele.
Create a waiting list. Limit your bookings and schedule your services for advance dates. I personally think Lauren Hooker of Elle & Co. Design does it best. She chooses to work with 1 client exclusively at a time and commits to two solid weeks of undivided attention. This process has set her schedule and she is booked through the end of the year.
Launch a new product or service. Build anticipation around your launch with sneak peaks the weeks leading up to the big day. Share small tidbits to your email list. Post photographs to your social media sites and begin a countdown so people can follow along. Once your big day rolls around people will be itching to know more and participate.
Begin a limited time promotion or deal. It sounds hokey, but it works. Simply taking a percentage or dollar figure off will bring people coming. Make it free and you might turn on the fence customers into lifelong enthusiasts.
Network with influencers. Every industry is different and will have their own set of influencers, but find the ones relevant to your niche. Watch what they do. See where they hang out. Find a way to meet them in person or introduce yourself online. Many times these people are just as flattered that you want to meet them as you are that they will listen. Ask for a little advice. Come up with a way to work on a project together. Collaboration over competition.
Be transparent and share your secrets. Now you are wondering how does transparency create buzz? Well truth of the matter is, few people give the inside perspective to how their business works. Share with people the inside scoop. Be open and honest. This will lead to trust. People do business with people they trust.
Support a charitable cause. Get involved in a volunteer organization or give back with your time, talent and treasure. Your involvement is not only great for the community, but it opens doors to you meeting a diverse group of people from all over your city.
Write guest blog posts. Find opportunities to write for other blogs. Many times blogs with larger audiences will allow you to contribute. And if you are lucky will give you the opportunity to link back to your own website. I have had the luxury of being featured on the Silicon Prairie News and TwelveSkip.
Host an event. Invite people to gather and ask them to bring a friend. Whether you host an open house, a launch party or even a webinar these sort of events allow you to get in front of a crowd of people who all support what you are doing. Use this audience to tap into their resources.
Run a giveaway. Launch week is the perfect time to host a giveaway. But even established businesses can benefit from doing a giveaway. You can use a service life Rafflecopter to give people points for completing certain activities like following you on social media or signing up for your email list.
Start a challenge. Dare people to be different. Ask people to document their experience in either photographs or words and share it with their social following. It isn’t too late to join my snail mail Instagram Challenge!
Teach a class. Whether you guest lecture at the local university, put together your own class, or adjunct for a semester, teaching gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent. It also helps give your expertise the credibility it deserves.
Showcase your best work. It’s ok to show people what you are really made of. In fact if you don’t remind them how talented you are from time to time they might even forget what you do or why it should matter to them.
How do you generate buzz for your business?