coaching and consulting

Client Success Stories

Inside our business coaching programs and 1:1 consulting services, we help small business owners refine and scale their businesses. Our clients span over a wide range of industries—from designers, to career coaches, copywriters, high-level consultants, interior architects, and more!

We meet our clients where they’re at and create scalable, sustainable paths forward—helping them create businesses that serve both their clients and their own lives.

Our Goal:

Guide founders to clarity and confidence in their offers, processes, and future trajectories.

real client results

Christa, Career Coach

Christa has *never* been in a program that offers as much support and tailoring.

She’s spent tens of thousands on her development in her 9 years of business (+25 years of her corporate career), and was blown away by our high-touch approach.

She says, “That’s what is making all the difference.”

real client results

Shilane, Social Media Manager

The self-paced program lets Shilane get support while living life-first.

Some weeks she has time to spend working through the program, others she’s tapped out.

But whichever way her schedule is leaning that week, Shilane loves that she can get real-time support from the Incubator community in a way that helps her move forward—even from the other side of the globe.

real client results

Evelyn, Corporate Wellness Consultant

Evelyn is fueled by the inspiration and insight a group coaching program brings.

Our clients are business leaders across a wide variety of industries—from marketing agencies, to interior designers, to disaster-preparedness consultants. As a newer business, Evelyn finds a ton of value in the group coaching experience and learning from others’ experiences in ways she wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.

real client results

Bonnie, Digital Strategist

When Bonnie joined The Incubator, she was offering all-inclusive marketing services to her clients.

As we were coaching her through redesigning her offer into a High-Touch Signature Service,™ we helped her identify exactly what she needed to be charging using a calculator that factored in capacity, utilization and her goals.

Bonnie was initially hesitant to increase her prices so drastically and was worried that her clients wouldn’t see the value in continuing her services when they could “just hire their own employees and bring marketing in-house.” 

what happened instead:

After 5 months, Bonnie:

  • You read that right. When Bonnie joined the Incubator, her original goal was $30k revenue each month. And she crushed it (and then EXCEEDED it) after only 5 months.

  • Even more? The day she got back from her total unplug in Costa Rica, she said, “I don’t even feel like crying.”

  • Because she’s charging in accordance with her time, she can afford to take on fewer clients (and even say goodbye the toxic ones) while serving her roster in deeper ways.

  • And truth be told—for us—that’s what it’s all about.

real client results

EmilyJane, Disaster Preparedness Consultant

She was considering an MBA. Then she found the Incubator.

EmilyJane spent years cultivating her expertise while working for the US government. She saw a real need for her knowledge as a consultant, but she was an expert in her field—not in business.

She went all in on the Incubator because she saw it was tailored to the practical, real-life challenges she was facing every day. She’s receiving the targeted support she needed without the cost of a graduate degree.

real client results

Jennifer, Copywriter

“If you’re thinking about it, you know you need to do it.”

Jennifer was was SO TIRED of getting paid pennies for hours and hours of work. The results she was getting for clients were worth so much more than she was charging.

She knew something had to change, and any time spent waiting was just pushing her life-first business further away.

5 weeks after joining The Incubator, Jennifer was able to officially say, “I’ve officially REPLACED my full-time income”...all while spending more time with her family.

are you Ready to become

Our Next Client Success Story?

Reach out and we’ll chat about which coaching or consulting offer is right for your and your business.


Waverly Ave. Consulting: Website Design


Ash Fox Proposals: Strategy Intensive