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The Strategy Hour Podcast
with abagail pumphrey
Recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, join our twice-weekly show as we share business strategies, interviews, and actionable advice for building an online business your way.
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Our Episodes
Getting Ready to Launch with Parker Stevenson of Evolved Finance
Parker Stevenson is a great friend of ours and someone we love and respect a lot! He has done so much for us and our business in the years that we have been working together with Parker handling all of our bookkeeping. He has already been on the podcast a bunch of times and today he is back to talk about the all-important topic of launching! We get into cash-flowing a launch, how to know when you are ready or not ready, questions and preparation and how to pay yourself when it's all done. So basically we cover all the things you might be thinking about and what better person to ask than a bookkeeper.
Parker is all about helping his clients remain profitable and this conversation will get you into a great headspace for possible launches in the future. We offer tons of free resources in the second half of the show so be sure to stick around for those and Parker gives the inside scoop on many businesses and how he has seen launches evolve. In his work, he has helped countless small businesses that apply to so much of our audience. So for all that and a whole lot more on getting your next launch off the ground and into the air, join us as we talk strategy!
Creating a Right Now Routine for Creatives, Neurodivergents and Avoidants with Shunta Grant
Today on the show we welcome Shunta Grant, an incredible soul who helps women live lives with intention. Through her company, Best Today, Shunta equips women with resources to be both proactive and intentional with their time. Shunta begins with time because it is the container that holds our days in our lives. She also offers a Best Today Guide, which is a 14-week undated guide that helps women plan their days with intention through her signature process, The Right Now Routine, which is what we are talking about today — how to create realistic routines that last.
We are super excited to break down this conversation for you today, while Abagail shares her journey of going through the program and how it deeply impacted her life, and the examples of how she has used it. Then Emylee shares about the program and why she has avoided going through it because of her misconceptions about routine and what it might mean for her in her day. Shunta does a really amazing job breaking down those hesitations and how routines can still work for creatives, for neurodivergents, and for people who don’t want a lot of structure in their day. We know you will get a lot of great ideas from this episode, so stick to the very end to find out more about all of Shunta’s amazing resources that you can dive into today to learn how to create a routine that’s perfect for you!
Why You Can Have Time and Space Freedom Right Now
So, we just wrapped up the recording for our most popular webinar ever, Day Job to Dream Job. The discussion sparked some further conversations between us and some of our students about the whole ‘you can earn a full-time income without putting in full-time hours.’ We have the belief that you can do this from day one, and that it doesn't have to just be a financial milestone you reward yourself with. But the time and space freedom you get when you work for yourself looks different when you're just getting started versus when you are two years in, six years in, and even further in than that. So, today, we want to break down what we mean by that and dive into what we truly think is needed for the brain to rewire that thought process. We also give a sneak peek of what it looks like when you chase after free time, and how you choose to fill that free time. Because there are some of us who simply fill the free time we work so hard for with just more work!
A Behind the Scenes Look at Building Hello Audio with Lindsay Padilla of Hello Audio
Today on the show we have Dr. Lindsay Padilla, Founder of Hello Audio, a SaaS product that lets users easily create private audio feeds their customers can listen to anywhere, anytime! She has been building this SaaS product from the ground up. It has been fascinating to watch from the sidelines and we are excited for you guys to dive in. For the first half of this episode, Lindsay gives us a true, honest, behind-the-scenes look at everything it takes both mentally and logistically to build a software. Everything that she wanted to create from the hole she saw in the market of audio and how course creators can deliver amazing content to their students and how Lindsay could make that happen.
She talks about breaking down barriers in a male-dominated space, learning things in the tech space, raising money, deciding to bootstrap or not, and everything in between. And then at the end of the episode, we talk about what Hello Audio actually is and how you as a service-based business owner, online course creator, educator, could use this platform to better your customer experience and to add more value. You get a peek into the stuff that Abagail and Emylee have been thinking about doing in their business and ideas for what you can use in your own one to help you grow and create an amazing experience for the people you already have.
Restock Models, Launch Strategies and Growth Tactics for Your Product Business with Rachel Allene and Mia Graves of Honeybee Clay
Today, we have two of our good friends and product-based business gurus on the show. First up is Rachel Allene, who Abagail met years ago at a creative entrepreneur conference. They have stayed friends, and Abagail has watched her hand calligraphy business grow into what it is today. She makes all kinds of products that are not necessarily handmade but rather, hand-lettered. We're comparing and contrasting that with our other guest, Emylee's friend, Mia Graves. We are so excited to hear from her because we love the way her marketing and business brain works. She has two different business models because she makes polymer clay earrings and also sells cutters for polymer clay makers.
In this episode, we are breaking down a deliberate sellout, restock model strategy and the mentality behind it, why it works, why it's hard sometimes, who it's right for, and the pros and cons both for you as the maker and for the customer. We hear about the journeys Rachel and Mia have been on and the slight tweaks they have made to their selling mechanisms, strategies, and marketing in order to please more people and not go absolutely insane. This roundtable discussion will give you some really great insights into the product world. You have asked for more product-focused content, and this information is coming from two very smart women.
Do This One Thing in Your Business Every Week
Today we get to talk about one of our favorite things — meetings the Traction way! While most people hate meetings, we are going to share a few things that might change your mind. Meetings are notorious for consuming a lot of time, often with little real progress, but we will present you with an outline that will make your every meeting from here on out a super productive, efficient one. We’ve spoken about the book Traction many times, but we want to remind you once more to go read it because this is where this outline and our guidelines around meetings come from.
Sometimes a meeting is not necessary and a Slack message or quick update will suffice, but other times having a meeting makes sense, and therefore it’s important to know how to approach them. Having a weekly meeting keeps all parties fully informed on decisions that were made, as it can be easy to think that everybody is in the loop when they’re not. If you are someone who has little patience for inefficiency and is always looking for the quickest, most productive ways to communicate and do things, this outline is perfect for you! This is as applicable to small teams as it is big ones, and don’t hesitate to ask your contractor to attend these meetings. Be sure to tune in to this episode to get the best strategy for efficient meetings!
Building A Paid Community: Patreon vs. Mighty Networks
In this episode, Emylee and Abagail get into the topic of building a community that you get paid to run, talking about two of the more popular options in the creator space – Patreon and Mighty Networks. We see musicians, comedians, artists, podcasters, and the like use these platforms to create a network. As you all know, Emylee is always looking toward the next thing and has taken the leap to start her online community for those interested in building clay earring businesses, so she has done some research, signed up (and canceled) subscriptions, and figured out the details so you don’t have to!
We know you love your Facebook group, but there are serious limitations to it, such as you can’t get paid for it. However, migrating from one platform to another can be a nasty business since humans are creatures of habit who often resist new paths. You’ve got to have pretty solid reasons for wanting to migrate, and Emylee and Abagail break it all down for you in this episode. Before you get started on a paid community, be sure to tune in for this episode!
Migrating Our 100K+ Email List
Are you ready to hear about the biggest change we have made to our business in a LONG time? If you have been with us for a while, you will know all about our email marketing journey. It’s been truly huge for our company and an integral part of our growth and the foundation for our global reach. We have been with many email marketing providers over time for a variety of reasons. If you want to hear about why we migrated between the different platforms, like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Infusionsoft, and ActiveCampaign, dive into our archives because we have documented all of these moves. We believe that regardless of the size of your business, email should be easy, and dare we say, pretty? All of the platforms we have used have their pros and cons, but for us, we want it to be as simple as logging in, writing an email, having it look good without knowing anything about code, and being able to send it to the right people at the right time. A lot of people, especially in the creative industry, can get carried away by pretty things, and we are guilty of it too, and it does drive a lot of our decision-making. That does not mean we do not value functionality as well. So, today we are going to share more about the new email platform we have found that merges our love of beautiful things with a fantastic backend user experience.
Migrating from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 (And a Mini Shopify Update)
Emylee recently decided to migrate from Squarespace to Shopify for her side hustle website, which got Abagail questioning hers too. She had some issues with Squarespace but she didn’t want to go through the hassle of moving from one platform to another. But since then, Squarespace has released its 7.1 version which is not quite an iteration because it is almost an entirely new platform. Some aspects have remained the same but mostly it is different.
Abagail has gone through the process of comparing 7.0 to 7.1, so, in this episode, she walks listeners through the differences so they know what to expect should they consider migrating to the updated version. If you are still on the fence about whether you should opt for Squarespace or Shopify or want to learn about everything the new version of Squarespace offers, this episode is a must-listen—don’t decide before hearing us out!
Community Managers, Facebook Moderators and Baby Wearing
Hey all you beautiful people! Welcome back to The Strategy Hour Podcast. Today we are going to be talking about something we have implemented recently that was a great help to us and it might just be something you can use too. We’ll be talking about community managers and what this role means, why it is different from a brand ambassador or a group moderator and why you might want to think about employing one. We have a big ol’ free Facebook Group that is currently about 20k members strong. And then we have two paid, private TCC communities and it is for these groups that we implemented this role of community manager.
We’ll be talking about what differentiates these positions and why both are useful in their separate iterations. As these groups and communities grow, they change and shift, like anything. We want to continue to make sure that we can provide for all the members in the best possible way. We want everyone to have a great experience and for this experience to continue to improve and progress as the members grow. So we heard from a couple friends about how they were using community managers and how useful they were finding it. At first we were a bit confused by the title but once we looked into it we thought it was worth a try and it most definitely was! We’ll be talking a bit about the application process for this and how we defined the role and we also somehow segue into a section on baby sling fashion. We promise it is on topic, kind of! Anyway, for all this and more let’s dive right in!
Creating Your Profit Plan with Haley Burkhead of Profit Planner
Welcome back to the Strategy Hour Podcast, all you beautiful creatures! We have a great show in store for you today, and we cannot wait for you to hear it. We have an extra special unicorn joining us in the form of Haley Burkhead, and she is here to tell us all about her business and her company called Profit Planner. Now, we say this all the time on The Strategy Hour, but it’s worth repeating: your profits really should be your highest priority. The money is what drives your business, and you need to put that in the front seat!
In our chat with Haley, we talk all about the way in which she has laid out her planner and how it can massively improve the way all of you run your businesses! Haley has so much energy and so many great ideas that we know you will be able to use immediately and will probably make you want to dig deeper into your planning methods. Haley gives us the whole breakdown on how the different levels of her framework and how each of these levels supports the next. Plus it is so fun and inspiring that we are pretty darn sure that after this episode you will not be able to wait to get started on optimizing everything you do! Throughout the episode Haley gives us steady reminders to keep you eyes on the profit prize and let everything fall into place around that. Great advice and something we urge you all to take to heart!
The Kinda Crunchy Movement & Why We Love You The Way You Are.
Today on the show we’re talking The Kinda Crunchy Movement. You must be thinking, “What the french toast does this have to do with business?” Well, half jumping on a movement or half doing anything is freakin’ common and we think it only makes you human. But how can we identify those things and either make a decision that, it’s okay that you’re not going all the way or just decide that you want to make changes? Are you beating yourself up about some of the decisions you’re making or not making? Don’t worry, you’re not alone; We half-ass a lot of stuff!
Now you’re thinking, “How does this relate to other parts of my life?” Today we’re identifying it and recognizing where we’re doing it and where we want to make changes for the better. The common highlighter we’re talking about is our own flaws and our own ways, because we aren’t quite full anything just yet. Also, there is power in calling stuff out on what it is, so let us call out all the bullsh*t that we still do and don’t do so maybe you can feel a bit more normal.
Using Redbubble for Your Product Based Business with Kit Cronk
On today’s episode we welcome wonder woman, super biz lady and all round badass Kit Cronk! Kit is part of our Think Creative Collective family and we love her entrepreneurial spirit as well. She is here today to tell us all about how she uses Redbubble and drop shipping for her business and how you might be able to do the same. Some of you may have heard of drop shipping but if you haven’t do not fear, all will be explained and become clear shortly! Kit has managed to come up with a great model for her particular artistic business and we cannot wait to have her share her expertise with you!
During our discussion we cover what the current creative entrepreneur’s landscape looks like and touch on the not too distant fantasy of the business that can be run from the road. We also thoroughly break down Redbubble, the platform with which Kit has had such success, comparing it to other similar ones and looking at its benefits. Kit is kind enough to really unpack the strengths and weakness of the these platforms before laying out the technical details of how she makes them work for her. From there we traverse the world of Instagram and we all know important this can be to your success. Kit offers some great advice for growing a following, increasing the quality of your feed and giving your business the boost it deserves. So for an inspiring and purposeful masterclass in utilizing available technologies, platforms and networks be sure to tune in as we talk strategy!
Finding Time When You Don't Have Time with Lauren Golden of The Free Mama
Today on the podcast, we welcome Lauren Golden. Lauren loves helping mamas free themselves from the nine to five grind. Lauren launched The Free Mama Movement to show working moms that they don’t have to choose between family and financial stability. We’ve all said it and we’ve all heard it: “I don’t have time.” This is the easiest excuse that people love to pull out of their pockets when they’re not seeing business growth or success. But is it really true?
For every single person out there who has ever said, “But I don’t have any time to grow my business” – this episode is for you. Here, Lauren is busting myths, knocking excuses out the window and giving you action steps on how to better utilize the time that you do have in your day – regardless of kids, dogs, full-time jobs, health, hobbies and life. All this so you can make amazing things happen in your business. No more excuses – grab your notebook and give this one a listen!
7 Reasons Your To-Do List Isn't Getting Done with Steph Crowder
Today on the show we welcome back Steph Crowder. Steph is so awesome, that we decided she needed to become a regular! So here she is, to talk about keeping your to-do list alive once you’ve lost momentum in your business. After the hype of a launch has died down, losing momentum is common. Trust us, we know! There is a certain amount of adrenaline that keeps you going during a launch, that keeps you alert, that keeps you firing when you’re in that challenge mode. But what do you do after this frenzy subsides? A lot of us go back to the same old habits and the same old routines and this is where a lot of us get super unproductive.
Steph has found that there are 7 major reasons why your to-do list is not getting done. If you are one of those people who are like, “What the hell? It’s Friday and I’ve crossed off barely anything on my to-do list!” Then girl, this episode is for you. Here, Steph talks about the big commonalities she has seen for why people aren’t getting their shit done. Better yet, she gives us actionable steps we can take toward more productivity and sustainable momentum. After this episode, you will be able to take a deep breath, re-evaluate your time, kick that self-doubt to the curb and be the boss lady you’ve always dreamed of being.
meet your host
I don’t believe there’s one right way to build a business.
I’m your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m dedicated to supporting online businesses.
I’m here to help you build business your way: one that supports not only the life you have but the life you want. I’m on a personal mission to help you become financially free.
I’m talking about all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business. I’m here to help you prioritize your life every step of the way, whether you’re creating your first digital product, growing an email list, or scaling an already profitable business.
I want to hear your hot takes, your biggest takeaways, or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.
My DMs are always open on Instagram, so head over and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!
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