Narrowing Down Your Digital Product Ideas to Find the Right Offer

Episode 917: Show Notes

Do you have too many ideas for digital products and you’re just not sure where to start? One of the biggest hurdles for creators is deciding which idea to focus on and too often, I see people stuck in decision-making and never launch anything. I don’t want that to happen to you. One of two things happens when people have too many ideas. Either they go nowhere or they try pretty much everything and put it all out there which makes things look scattered and confusing. When people are passionate about their ideas, choosing can feel like abandoning other ideas. I want you to reframe it: when you choose an idea, you are simply prioritizing one now but that doesn’t mean that those other things won’t come in time. At the end of this episode, you’re going to have a framework to choose an idea and take it from concept to execution.

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Putting All Your Ideas Down on Paper

I want you to start completely unfiltered and brainstorm everything. Absolutely everything! Potential templates, mini-courses, coaching, toolkits. At this point, they don’t even need to be digital product ideas; they just need to encompass all of the things you’re thinking about in terms of potential offers in your business. I want you to be excited about putting down all of your potential offers on paper! How can you help your clients? What do you want to see be different for people? What is going to make their lives easier? What are you excited about doing? I want you to set a timer and write down every single idea you can find. You don’t need to know what these ideas will look like yet, you just need to write them down!

Narrowing Your List of Ideas Down

For step two, I want you to go through this list and highlight all of the things that are urgent – what do your clients need to address right now? In one color, highlight the urgent ideas, and in another, highlight the ones that are nice to have. When looking at only urgent problems, consider which ideas you can develop within two to four weeks and put a star next to them. Then, of those highlighted as urgent and starred ideas, I want you to add a second star to the problems that you can solve for your ideal client in a short period of time. Now, your list is going to be a lot smaller. Of those few ideas, ask yourself what you’re most excited about producing and what you feel good about and I want you to commit to one idea. The faster you do that, the faster you’re going to start seeing results! Don’t overthink this. You will come back to your list and do another one! You’re simply making a choice and moving on. And if you can’t decide, flip a coin! 

Testing Your Idea with Presale

Before you spend any time developing the actual product, I need you to test it with a sales page with a real price point. Put it out into the world and offer it for sale. Presales happen in every industry! All of this happens before you even create the product. I also think it’s important to highlight that whatever this product will solve will help your clients get back to what they want to focus on in their business. It’s also worth noting that from a psychological perspective, in order to get your client over the metaphorical finish line, sometimes there is a time and place to give them a little bit of what they want alongside what they actually need. There is the potential to take one of the ‘nice-to-have’ ideas that can be solved quickly and incorporate it into the urgent product to make it more exciting to clients. 

Ultimately, I don’t want you to overthink this. If you have an idea that passes these tests, it can be developed in two to four weeks, and if it’s something that your clients can execute quickly, I want you to put it out there! It’s worth testing it in the market. Your effort is not wasted if it doesn’t end up working in the end because you can just go back to your list and pick something else. I want you to make real income from this product and then produce it! If you want more guidance on launching a digital product, check out my One Day Launch: Digital Product Fast Track. I can’t wait to see what you come up with, your quick wins, and I can’t wait for you to start making sales! 


Quote This

Success comes from doing something exceptionally well. Not trying to do everything at once.



  • Putting All Your Ideas Down on Paper [0:02:40] 

  • Narrowing Your List of Ideas Down [0:06:13]

  • Testing Your Idea with Presale [0:11:30]


Abagail Pumphrey

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Abagail hosts the twice-weekly podcast, The Strategy Hour, which is recognized by INC and Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Key Topics:

Digital Products, Brainstorming, Product Ideas, Presales, Testing Sales


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