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Grow, Mindset Guest User Grow, Mindset Guest User

How to Overcome Perfectionism, Procrastination and Imposter Syndrome

Perfectionism, procrastination and imposter syndrome are three struggles that go hand in hand. When perfectionism is discussed in our industry, or in the context of work and running a small business, it often gets paired with negative behavior like procrastination. This causes indecision and feeling like you don’t actually have any idea what you’re doing, otherwise known as imposter syndrome.

Luckily, there are ways to not overcome these feelings– there isn’t some mindset exercise you can do to make them completely disappear, but you can make shifts to prevent them from inhibiting growth in your business and perhaps actually serve you. Keep reading to find out how!

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Grow, Leadership Guest User Grow, Leadership Guest User

What You Need to Know About Client Acquisition in 2022

Client acquisition is likely the single-handed most asked about topic we get from our audience and members of our various communities. Lately, we’ve been hearing a common complaint from business owners that they need more leads. While there have been some market shifts recently, they’re not necessarily impacting the way we acquire clients. It may feel like it’s changing when actually, everything with clients is exactly the same.

Here’s the thing; marketing is cyclical. There are things that work now that aren’t going to work in 6 months, then in 2 years, those things could come right back around again. There will always be hotspots, but you shouldn’t rely on them if you want consistency. We have lots to talk about on this topic, so let’s dive in!

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Grow, Client Experience Guest User Grow, Client Experience Guest User

How to Improve Your Client Experience as an Event Planner Using Dubsado

At this point, we think we’ve established that Dubsado is the perfect CRM for service-based businesses. Really, it doesn’t even matter what kind of service-based business you are or what industry you’re in– Dubsado is almost guaranteed to be a surefire option for you.

However, many people use it in different ways depending on their industry and their own client processes, one of those industries being event planners. So, today, we want to cover how to use Dubsado specifically to improve your client experience as an event planner!

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The Best Way to Streamline Your Client Projects as a Service Provider

Managing your client experience is one thing, but managing and streamlining your client projects is a whole other beast to tackle as a service provider. You might be wondering what the difference is, so when we talk about managing your client experience, we mean all of the communication, appointment scheduling, sending forms, proposals, contracts, getting paid, and all that jazz. (Dubsado’s our trusted CRM for that– here’s why.)

On the other hand, you also have to deal with the actual tasks that come with fulfilling a client project for both you and your team. For this, we recommend using a project management system like Asana. It’s robust enough to handle even the most complex projects, yet simple enough that if you don’t need to use all of the fancy-shmancy extras, you don’t have to.

Today we’ll be diving into the best way to streamline your client projects using Asana!

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Grow, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

How to Improve Your Client Experience as a Coach Using Dubsado

As a coach, spending the most time perfecting your client experience is what’s going to take you such a long way. You could even say it’s the basis for what will allow you to scale to and past 6-figures and more. Creating a VIP experience allows you to raise your rates, charging prices that you didn’t even think were possible before.

Clients pay for the experience more than they do the actual results. Any other coach in your niche can provide the same results, but your quality of service and the experience is what will make you stand out from the rest.

Our roots are tied in services, and even though that’s ebbed and flowed over the years, we’ve always upheld the same value in experience, and Dubsado has been our go-to CRM to allow us to systematize that. We now teach it to our clients, and we’re so excited to share it with you, too!

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Grow, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Client Experience Abagail Pumphrey

How to Develop a Luxury Client Experience

We’ve talked a lot about there being a shift in the market lately. Getting people in the pipeline feels more difficult than before, making sales is taking a little longer, and marketing feels harder to understand. So, what can we do about this market shift? How can we set ourselves up for success?

We have two words for you, “client experience.” The best part? Your client experience is something you have control over and when done correctly, it can have a huge impact on your business moving forward. In this blog, we talk about the importance of your client experience and how to ultimately develop that will set you up for success, especially in this market.

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Grow, Marketing Guest User Grow, Marketing Guest User

5 Tips to Increase Your Reach on TikTok

The possibilities of growth are endless when it comes to TikTok. Its positive effect on business’ success is apparent in the way other social media platforms are creating their own versions of TikTok in-app– from Instagram Reels to YouTube Shorts. However, nothing can compare to the “real thing”, which shows in the over 1 billion users TikTok had in just Q1 of 2022, and about that same amount of videos are watched on TikTok every single day (source).

So to make sure you aren’t missing out on the growth train coming from TikTok, here are 5 tips to increase your video reach!

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

Hiring a Contractor Vs. Employee – What is the Difference

We know that getting ready to hire and actually going through the process can feel like an overwhelming mountain to climb. It feels like you have 1,287 things to learn about the intricacies of different positions, titles, types of hires, tasks, job descriptions, etc. But one of the first things that needs to be decided on first is - are you ready to hire a contractor or an employee?

Don’t worry. In this blog, we’re going to share our best hiring tips and clearly tell you the differences between hiring a contractor and an employee.

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Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Grow, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

How to Build a Team that Allows You to Scale

Building a team is an incredibly powerful tool that will take you to the next level… that is, if you get it right. When it comes to hiring, the more you know, the more equipped you’ll be to face whatever comes your way. Over the years we’ve hired a slew of part-time contractors, contractors that felt like extensions of our team, part-time and full-time employees. We’ve literally hired ‘em all! Through all of that we’ve learned a lesson or 37 that we’d love to share with you.

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Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!

You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!

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