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The Top 19 Resources for Serviced Based Business Owners in 2022
Although we serve all kinds of businesses in various ways, 1:1 service providers most definitely make up the majority of our audience. A big issue we see them having is being unable to find information to help with all of the specific issues and nuances that come with serving clients.
We’ve cranked out tons of great content tailored to our friends in the service-based industry. Now, we’ve compiled these resources into a list that you can bookmark or save to keep with you during 2022 and beyond!
11 Things You Need to Know Before Scaling Your Service Based Business
Scaling a service-based business is a special kind of feat. As a service provider, there are only so many hours in the day that you can dedicate to client work after all. This can definitely make scaling seem impossibly difficult or out of reach. After starting off as a service-based business for years and then working directly with service providers to scale their own 1:1 services, we’ve learned that there are 11 things you absolutely need to know before scaling. We’re going to dive into what those are in this blog post!
5 Ways to Maximize Your CRM and Boost Productivity
CRMs and service-based businesses go together like peanut butter and jelly. Having a CRM software means that you have a digital database for all things pertaining to your leads and clients.
While we know service providers who are getting by tracking their leads and clients using spreadsheets or other methods, CRMs allow you to boost your overall client experience. You’re able to streamline the way you send contracts, proposals, forms, invoices, schedulers, and other documents, all the while maintaining a consistently branded and professional image.
Unfortunately, we often see service providers massively underutilizing their CRM, so in this post, we want to share 5 ways to maximize your CRM and boost your productivity!
How to Grow Your Service-Based Business with a High-Touch Signature Service
Running a 1:1 service-based business isn’t all flowers and rainbows, and we know you’re ready to grow your biz and take it to the next level. You’re ready to finally:
Free up your hours and stop wasting precious time on so many low-paying clients
Achieve those 5-figure months you’ve been dreaming about since you started
Feel confident in your client onboarding process and overall client experience
Have systems in place like a well-oiled machine instead of feeling like everything is on fire all the time
Well, the best way to accomplish all of those things is by growing your service-based business with a High-Touch Signature Service™. In this blog post, we’ll explain how developing one is the key to unlocking your goals, working less, and making more.
3 Strategies to Successfully Streamline Tasks and Projects in Asana
We’ve tried many project management systems throughout the different stages of our business, and the one that’s allowed us to completely revolutionize how we complete projects and daily tasks is Asana. It’s the perfect fit for our team and, honestly, Boss Project has never been more organized and streamlined!
We’re learning new things and ways to refine our systems in Asana every single day. Even though our project management is ever-developing, we’ve still picked up on 3 strategies that have really amped our overall experience with the platform. Keep reading to find out what they are!
Work Less, Make More: How to Streamline Your Work Week & Increase Your Client Capacity
It probably wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that a common dream amongst business owners is to be able to work less but make more money. It sounds like a contradiction, but it’s actually entirely possible to achieve. By streamlining your work week and increasing your client capacity, you’re able to get back more time in your business and make more money.
There are really only two levers to pull in order to do this: 1. Increase the price of your package, and 2. Decrease the amount of time it takes to complete a client project. In this blog post, we’ll break down what it means to accomplish each of these, so you can finally reach your “work less, make more” goal.
10 Things Every Small Business Should Automate to Avoid Overwhelm
We wouldn’t call ourselves the queens of automation, but, boy, are we pretty darn good at it. Over the years, we’ve automated more things in our business than we can count, and it’s saved us hours of valuable time that we can focus elsewhere.
We believe automation is a huge piece of the puzzle in allowing small business owners to either avoid or break free of overwhelm. When you have to manage the administrative, financial, marketing, support, and countless other duties in your business, the stress can quickly build up.
That’s why in this blog post, we want to share 10 things we think every small business should automate to avoid overwhelm!
The Best Strategies to Avoiding Burnout in 2022
We know how easy it is to feel totally burnt out in your business. In fact, you may not have even realized that you’re burned out! You may have convinced yourself that this is just the hustle and grind that it takes to get your business going or to scale past where you’re currently stuck.
In reality, this isn’t effective nor ideal. Growth and progress don’t happen during burnout, so you have to come up for air and create a clean slate. Keep reading to find out the best strategies to help you avoid burnout in 2022, so you can continue to grow and scale your business sustainably.
How to Become the Creative Director of Your Small Business
So often when starting a creative service-based business, you start to feel disconnected with the reason you even started your business in the first place. Even when you’re absolutely crushing it in your business, landing clients left and right, and are super busy, that often comes with more things outside of client deliverables.
Taking on the CEO role means you have to deal with more things that may feel out of alignment with the thing you really love doing. What we’ve learned from being in that position is that feeling that connection to what you’re creating is the most important thing for a service provider to protect.
In this blog post, we’ll be sharing how to become the creative director of your small business, so you can still deliver on your services while building a high caliber business!
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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