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3 Things You Can Do Before You Hire Your Next Freelancer or Employee
We know you can’t be an expert in every area of your business so there are some positions this tip doesn’t apply to. But let’s say you want to hire someone to be a salesperson to close client deals. The question you should be asking yourself is have you done those tasks in your business yet? Like do you have a process that you follow already for getting leads, sending out follow-up emails or DMs, what do you say, what has worked for you? This is important because knowing what that process looks like helps you decide who you need to hire and how to train them.
Or understanding this process gives you insight into what areas you can create systems and automate to free up more of your time. Cultivating sales is an important part of your business so if you can free up time in other areas then you can keep sales as a priority on your to-do list.
How to Use Systems to Scale Past 6-Figures in Your Service Based Business
We bet you’re thinking that if you start using a certain software, tool, or marketing mechanism, that’s going to be the thing to soar you past 6 figures in your service-based business. (You can probably tell where we’re going with this, but…) In all actuality, it isn’t.
After working with 5-, 6-, even 7-figure clients who are charging anywhere from $750+ on retainer to $60k one-time projects, we know a thing or two about helping service providers scale past 6 figures without the stress, overwhelm, or taking up all of their precious time.
We know you’re so close to finally reaching that point in your business, too, but you just don’t think you have the time or capacity to make it happen. So, in our own experience working with these clients, here are the 3 things we’ve noticed are required for service-based business owners wanting to scale past 6 figures and beyond.
The Problem With Burnout (And Why It’s Not Actually The Problem)
If you’ve been following Boss Project for a while then you know we like to reclaim words and then redefine their meanings to what aligns with us AND for you (business owners). We’re at it again and this time we want to take back the word “burnout”.
Burnout has been given a negative reputation and business owners are running away from it as fast as possible. However, we’ve come to find out that burnout isn’t this big, bad thing everyone makes it out to be. In fact, burnout has helped change our business for the better.
In this blog, we’re going to tell you what burnout means to us and how you can reclaim it into something productive and powerful in your business.
The 3 Best Scripts to Use With Existing Clients to Increase Revenue and Get More Leads
You probably hear ten new sexy strategies to increase revenue every single day. But, if we’re honest, at the end of the day there are TWO main routes you can take.
One is with brand new, cold leads that you nurture and hope that you can convert into a client. The other is to take what’s already available to you with your existing clients to generate more revenue and super warm connections (that will take a heck of a lot less time to convert.)
Why don’t service providers do this more often? From what we see time and time again, it’s because you’re scared or just don’t know how to start those conversations with your clients. Introverts thrive on avoiding as many uncomfortable conversations as possible, but they don’t have to (and shouldn’t) feel that way. Here’s why.
How to Create a Signature Service in 30 Days or Less
You started your service-based business because you had dreams you wanted to achieve and goals to accomplish. Unfortunately, you just haven’t quite been able to get there yet.
It seems like you keep signing low-ticket clients and doing triple the work than you actually have time for. Your personal life? Virtually non-existent at this point because of how deep you’re buried in client work, yet you have little to no income or growth to show for it.
There’s no secret to making all the problems in your business disappear, and that’s because we don’t want to keep signature services a secret! Creating a signature service is what will enable you to open so many doors in your business that you’ve barely been able to crack thus far.
In this blog post, we’ll be covering how to create a signature service in 30 days or less, so keep reading as we break it down by four tangible weeks!
What is a Signature Service and Why You Need One in 2022
We’ve talked a lot about how to create a signature service here on the blog (like here, here, and also here). Creating a signature service is the best way to eliminate competition, stand out in your niche, and do exactly what you love for exactly who you love to work for. In fact, we help our clients refine their offer into a High-Touch Signature Service™ inside The Incubator. (Psst.. you can learn more and apply here.)
Before we dive into what this could look like for you, let’s get clear on what a signature service actually is!
The One Tweak We Made With Our Team That Helped Us Scale Our Business
We were recently asked what was one of the biggest mistakes we had made in our business and one of our answers was how we structured our business. In the past our business was running on accomplishing task-based activities, rather than bringing in a team of permanent employees with outcome-based deliverables.
What do we mean by this? When Boss Project first started we had focused on hiring all contractors and less employees. The problem is that contractors are hired on to fulfill tasks. They do not hold the responsibility to fulfill actual outcomes in your business. For example, a social media contractor has the responsibility to create “x” amount of posts for you a month but at the end of the day you’re responsible for the follow-through and the outcomes. It’s still your job to convert social media leads into sales, make sure your sales page is up-to-date, have an opt-in, set up automations and systems etc.
Group Coaching vs. 1:1 Coaching: Which is Better for Your Business Growth?
As Business Service Providers it’s important to get clear on the education you want for yourself as a business leader. How are you adding value to your business and to your team? There are a lot of options out there so we wanted to give our perspective on group coaching services vs 1:1 coaching services and which is better for your business's growth.
We have heard all the apprehensions when it comes to group coaching programs. Anything from, people are afraid of not getting enough individual attention, or they won’t get their questions answered or they’re afraid they’ll get lost in the noise. If you’ve ever been avoidant of group coaching sessions for those reasons, we’re here to give you a different perspective.
Not only that, but from teaching our own group coaching program (The Incubator) AND investing in other people’s programs, we’ve learned the best ways you can stand out and get the most out of your group coaching experience.
How and Who to Hire Your First Employee? Here Are Our 6 Tips
So you’ve been freaking crushing it and are now ready to hire your first team member! Congratulations! But pump the brakes babycakes, because there’s a whole slew of decisions that need to be made before you can even decide who to hire.
Let’s dive into the differences between contractors and employees, hiring internationally, who to hire and who to not hire.
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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