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Social Media Templates That Will Revamp Your Biz
We’ve launched The Creative Template Shop-- us cool kids just call it The Shop-- and it’s FILLED with templates for your business, ranging from social media to client experience to even web design and opt-ins. These already-made templates are the silver lining for any biz owner who struggles trying to put together beautiful graphics for their business.
Generate Consistent Leads and Create a High End Client Experience
You’re working your tail off in your creative service-based business.
Your life is all about clients: finding them (where ARE they??), landing them (and competing on price makes your feel like you’re charging so much less than you need to if you want this biz to be sustainable), making the ones you DO find happy (so much so that you find yourself delivering WAY more than you originally agreed to)...
And maybe you’ve convinced yourself that this is just how life has to be if you’re going to do what you love for a living.
How to Get Clients Even if You Hate Selling and Pitching
Do you ever find yourself on the word vomit train when attempting to sell anything? You know the one that makes zero stops and is stationed in Awkward Townsville? The one where you’re chatting with a potential client and you find yourself having the out of body experience where you hear yourself doing things like…
You're Building The Wrong Business (And It's Making You Broke)
It feels like you’re still playing “pretend business” and you’re wondering if you’re even smart enough to figure this all out like it seems like everyone else has.
This convinces you that the only way to get clients is to do what works for everyone else - posting 3x a day on Instagram, blogging “value add” content, showing up in Facebook groups where you *think* your client might be and so on…
You’re listening to countless other business owners tell you that doing all that ^ is what’s going to work for why isn’t it?
Here’s the truth: it’s not you. It is the strategies you’re using. They aren’t right for YOUR business.
How to Get People to Follow, Like & Buy from You
Sounds pretty dreamy right? Someone finds you online. They are interested in what you have to offer and learn to more about you. They like what you do, say, and sell and eventually buy. Well folks, to make this happen you really have to focus on a couple of key things.
How to Use Facebook Live to Grow Your Small Business
As a small business owner, Facebook is definitely not the hot place to be. With less than 5.5% referring traffic for our own site, Facebook was never the platform that made sense for us to invest our time on. Until they changed the live streaming landscape in August 2015.
Now, it wasn’t until February of 2016 that all accounts were able to use the streaming capabilities on their own pages. From August to February the only type of accounts able to use live streaming were celebrities and journalists. But it’s interesting to note that these two (very different types of people) were using Facebook Live in the exact ways that would be helpful for small business owners (see, our obsession with Amy Schumer was for research!).
7 Reasons Why We Chose Squarespace (Over Wordpress, Muse, Wix, Godaddy, etc.)
We have been around the block once or twice online and have tried our hand in many platforms, hosting services, and domain providers, but when it came time to rebrand we were stuck. We pondered for months over who or what we should choose, but once we finally made the decision we never looked back! Squarespace is by far the easiest platform to use, with the cleanest interface. Choosing them is hands down the best decision we’ve made for our business and blog.
The Quick Start Guide to Launching Your Next Big Thing
Launching does not have to be hard. Let me repeat: it does NOT have to be hard! Today I'm sharing my quick-start guide for getting your big idea from your brain to your bank account and busting launch myths along the way. If you have any kind of idea you want to launch, this one's for you.
10 Ways to Maximize Your Blog Posts and Increase Your Traffic
How many times have you heard you need to blog regularly? All the time, right?
And whether you are a natural or reluctant blogger you need to ensure that you are optimizing your blog to maximize the visibility of each post, your blog, and business.
Does this scenario sound familiar?
You finally write an awesome blog post that you are so so pleased with.
You lovingly publish it on your website.
Then you share on your social media profiles once…and then you stop.
You wonder why no one is reading it, no one is leaving comments, and you’re not getting traffic to your site. Zero…zilch…nada.
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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<hr><h4>How I Added 10,000 Subscribers to My Email List</h4>