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How to Double Your Income While Working 20 Hours a Week (or Less)
You’re at the point where you feel like you’re really killing it in your business. Your marketing efforts seem to be paying off because there’s rarely a shortage of clients. If anything, you have too many clients, too many tasks filling up your calendar, and too many empty cups of coffee sitting at your desk.
This isn’t the life for you, babe. This isn’t where you imagined your business would be when you first started with a big dream and the energy to make it happen. (Where the heck did that energy go?!)
Having all these clients means you should be hitting those big-figure months consistently, right? So... why does it feel like you’re back at a full-time corporate job working 40 hours per week with almost no considerable income to show for it?
We want to let you in on a little secret. You can double your income while working only 20 hours a week or even less. Here’s how.
Our Top Time Saving Secrets to Managing Clients
When you’re working with clients, saving time is the biggest concern for our audience. An overflowing task list is like a dark shadow that keeps looming over you because you know it’s coming soon, but you’re trying everything in your power to stop it.
We’ve been to that point, especially when we were offering 1:1 services, but we’ve picked up a few time saving secrets to managing clients over the years. In this blog post, we want to share these secrets with you!
5 Ways to 5x the Value of Your Services (Without Increasing Your Time)
When it comes to serving clients, we’re big on making sure you’re providing an exceptional client experience, care, and value through your services. But when you think of the word “services”, what comes to mind? It’s much more than just doing the work that you offer— it also encompasses every aspect of their time with you from onboarding to offboarding.
However, while we think the value of your services is important, we think that saving time where you can is just as important. So, in this blog post, we’ll be breaking down 5 ways to 5x the value of your services without increasing your time!
How to Take Time Off without Running Your Business into the Ground
As creatives, we have a hard time taking time off. We compare our work days to those of the people we see online and think we should be working when everyone else is. But the truth is, we need rest and time off in order to create space for more creativity. We need to allow ourselves rest so we can better serve our clients and customers. In fact, this time off will give your mind a break from the stress and will allow you to grow your own creativity.
Today, we are going to talk about why taking time off is important for you and your business. In addition, we will discuss how rest can help boost creativity, when to take time off, how to make time for time off, and how to mentally prepare so you won't feel guilty during your time off!
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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