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10 Evergreen Content Ideas to Keep the Traffic Coming
The culture of blog posts has changed drastically in the last 10 years. Back then, you were able to get away with writing 500-word fluff stuffed to the brim with keywords for a better ranking on Google. In today’s online world, though, it’s more important than ever that your posts provide genuine value and teach a comprehensive lesson of some sort.
Timeless value, at that. And you do that by creating evergreen content.
Let’s dive into what exactly “evergreen” content is, why it’s important, and 10 content ideas to get you started going evergreen with your posts.
Why You Should Create Long Form Content in 2021
You’ve likely heard some mixed things about creating long-form content as a marketing strategy for your business. Some say it’s worth the time, others disagree.
Some people say it’s worth it for SEO purposes-- stuffing a bunch of keywords into some fluff so you can rank higher on Google, and others believe it’s a great tactic of actually engaging with and building a reputation and relationship with your audience.
Of course, we believe the latter… Maybe even a little of both? While it’s a must to make sure your SEO is optimized to help your website traffic and search engine rankings, it’s equally or more important that the content is actually providing value and that your audience will take something away from it.
So, why should you create long-form content in 2021? And what does that word “long-form” really mean?
How to Humanize Your Business through Copywriting
Do you know how many online businesses there are today? About 1.2 bazillion* (*extreme hyperbole). Or at least, it feels that way, doesn’t it? There’s no doubt that the online business world is full to the brim, and more new businesses keep popping up every day.
With the glut of online businesses out there, you need a way to stand out and to connect with your potential clients and customers. You can’t simply say, “I’m a graphic designer” and have clients flock to you, because there are about 3.4 million* (*yep, hyperbole again) graphic designers out there.
So, what can you do about that? You can humanize your business through the very thing that you share all the time: your copywriting and content.
3 Things to Consider Before You Write Your Welcome Sequence
Have you ever had an email subscriber hop on your list … just to grab the freebie and peace out once you send a weekly newsletter?
Yup, it happens to us all. Which stinks, because you’re just burning the midnight oil to build your list for your upcoming pitch or offer, and it just stays static at a plateau.
What if I told you there was a little hack to getting those folks to stick around AND fall more in love with you and what you have to teach in the process?
How to Create Compelling Content for Any Industry
Coming up with an endless list of content is hard, and that's if you're in an exciting industry. If you're in a boring industry? As my mom would say, 'bless your heart!'. Here's how to come up with exciting content, no matter your industry. Bonus--get our download for 70+ boring-banishing headlines.
Welcome to My Blog
Hey, I’m Abagail Pumphrey!
You know when you are so deeply passionate about something you can’t help but share it? That’s how this blog has felt for the last decade. I’ve written about my latest strategies, tech how-tos, experience with scaling and so much more. I hope you find just what you’re looking for. We’re here to help!
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<hr><h4>How I Added 10,000 Subscribers to My Email List</h4>