How Facebook Groups Can Grow Your Raving Audience
Facebook groups are far from new, but as they continue to grow in popularity their potential benefits to your business also magnify. What if you could be seen by thousands of new people, the kind that need your product or service and are already primed to buy? What if you could gain highly valuable survey data without fumbling with forms and spreadsheets? What if you could sell in your sleep? All this and more is possible by utilizing Facebook Groups.
Whether you have your own group or intend to just participate in a few, you have the power to grow a raving audience. See all the crazy benefits and how you can start gaining momentum today.
Get High Visibility
When participating in groups specific to your niche you are automatically in a virtual room full of all the right kind of people. And bonus, more of those same kind of people join every day. By speaking up and participating you have the opportunity for high visibility for yourself and the brand you represent.
Sense of Community
Over time and with consistency you start to learn about these people. Who they really are, what they really do and how you could work together. This is a community in which everyone wants to support everyone (and if you are in a group in which this isn’t the case, unfollow!) I don’t know about you but I could use all the love, support and encouragement I can get. Air fives and Friday celebrations are always welcome!
Mastermind with Top Industry Professionals
Have a business idea? This is your time to speak up. There are TOP industry professionals lurking in groups all over Facebook. Find them, talk to them and learn. They are in the group because they want to help. Don’t just private message people, ask the whole group, you never know who is going to have the answer you are looking for.
Market Research
This is where your watching and listening skills come in. What are other people posting about? What are their struggles, pain points and biggest hurdles? How can you tweak what you offer to continue to serve this audience better? Seems a little crazy, but consider this the never ending Focus Group primed for your business.
Sell in Your Sleep
By watching, listening and participating you continue to become a more prominent and visible member in the group. Overtime people know how you can help and will often tag you if they feel you are the best (wo)man for the job. Ripe referrals can lead to hot hot hot sales. You might even start selling in your sleep!
Ideal Clients, Friendships, Networking or maybe your next Biz Partner
It seems odd that you could find all this in one place, but it is exactly what happened to us. Emylee and I continued to see success in our business through active participation online. We struck friendships around the country and across the globe. Seriously, who else do you know in South Africa?
You might be surprised, you could be exactly the person someone else was dreaming of connecting with. I never imagined I would have a business partner and even more so I never imagined I would meet her online.
You can read more about our crazy story over here.
At the end of the day we want you to be a successful company on and offline. Since opening our doors just a couple months ago we have opened the doors to over 500 creative entrepreneurs. Everyday we see people growing, learning and striking up new valuable relationships.
Join our private community and as a bonus you will get instant access to a library of resources for small business owners, creative entrepreneurs and bloggers.